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Little: Yeosang



Third person PoV:

When little Yeosang is the most well behaved possible, but he does have his moments, however he is the sweetest little cherub in existence.

This morning when Sangie woke up he waddled tohis caregiver's room and climbed into his bed and cuddled close to him, as an automatic response to this action, Yunho immediately wrapped his arms around Sangie.

At this action Sangie fell back asleep in his caregivers arms.

About an hour later Yunho woke up and looked over to his side to see Sangie there, he smiled softly and stroked Sangie's cheeks until Sangie woke up from the motion.

Y-"Good morning little cherub"

Ys-"Mowin Appa"

Y-"Would you like some breakfast?"

Ys-"Yes pease"

Y-"of course, what would you like?"


Y-"Of course, Appa will make chicken fried rice for breakfast then, but first I think someone needs a change, how old are you today?"

Ys-" I thwee"

Y-"Got it"

Yunho picked Sangie up and they headed to the bathroom, where they brushed their teeth and Yunho changed Sangie out of his diaper and into a pull-up and they headed downstairs, Yunho figured they could have a pyjama day today.

Yunho placed Sangie down on the couch and put on the tv, whilst he went to the kitchen to make some chicken fried rice for breakfast it took around 20 mins to make, once it was done Yunho called Sangie over.

Y-"Sangie breakfast is ready"

Ys-"Okie Appa"

Sangie waddled to the kitchen and sat down on his booster seat, Yunho set down the food and Sangie's juice which was in a sippy cup and his own drink which was coffee.

They ate peacefully, once they had finished they went back to the living room and decided to have a movie marathon. The first movie they watched was moana and then Encanto, during the second movie Sangie needed the toilet.

Ys-"Appa, I need da potty"

Y-"Ok then, let's go then"

Yunho paused the movie and went with Sangie to the bathroom and helped him on the toilet and washing his hands, they then decided to go back downstairs and grab some snacks as well as order lunch and finish of the second movie whilst waiting for food.

After the second movie finished, the food arrived, they ordered chicken and some non-spicy ttebokki as well as ramen.

They put on the third movie which was Alice in Wonderland and watched it whilst eating lunch, after finishing food they took a break from eating and watched Alice through the looking glass then started on the snacks again when they started to watch pirates of the Caribbean.

Before they started pirates of the Caribbean, they went for a toilet break Yunho asked Sangie if he wanted to take a nap before watching movies again.

Y-"Sangie, would you like to take a nap before we start watching movies again?"



They sat cuddled up to each other under a blanket and continued watching movies for the rest of the day, they skipped dinner primarily because they had a big breakfast and lunch.

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