Oneshot: WooJoong

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Ship Wooyoung and Hongjoong

Little: Hongjoong

Caregiver: Wooyoung

⚠️description of an accident but other than that complete fluff

Also this ship is underrated

Wooyoung's PoV:

I was busy making breakfast for my little, he was still asleep in his nursery, last night he slept in his big boy bed instead of his crib, his big boy bed is a bed in the shape of a rocket from despicable me, with some minion bedding, he also has a very big minion bean bag which can also be used as a bed, to put it short his nursery is completely minion themed.

For breakfast I made some eggs Benedict (idk how to make it or what it looks like lol, I forget easily) on toast, I heard little pitter patter of feet and saw Joongie walking into the kitchen with his paci loosely hanging from his mouth.

"Morning Joongie, how old are you today?"

"I f'ee(three)" he mumbled behind his paci

"So I have a big boy today, sit down, breakfast is ready"

"K m'mmy (mummy)"

Joongie sat down on a chair and I went to grab our plates and placed them down onto the table, I grabbed his bib (he is a very messy eater) and placed it around his neck, he whined at the action, I then placed a napkin on his lap, I then sat down and we both started digging in to our breakfast.

After breakfast I grabbed the plates and placed them in the dishwasher, I then went to Joongie, despite having a bib and a napkin he still managed to get food on his face and up his arms, hence a bath was in order.

I picked him up and headed to the bathroom, I started running the bath for him with some strawberry scented bubbles, I then removed his night time pull up and pjs and placed him into the bath once it was ready.

Luckily bath time was easy, he wasn't complaining like usual so it was relaxing, after the bath I wrapped him in a towel and took him into his nursery, I placed him on his bed and got him a pair of boxers, yellow top and blue overalls and helped him get dressed.

I placed him into his playpen in the living room and put on the tv for him, whilst he was occupied by the tv I went to do some cleaning up around the house.

I had finished cleaning and I checked the time it was around 11:30 in the morning so I started on lunch I just made some sandwiches and put some crisps on the side, I then got a bowl of fresh fruits and cut them up, then placed them in the fridge I then got some juice for Joongie and placed it in his minion sippy cup, I made myself a cup of tea.

It was now lunch so I grabbed Joongie from his playpen and took him to the kitchen and sat him down on a chair, we started to eat our lunch.

After lunch Joongie went back to the living room and sat on the couch to watch tv and play with some toys, I was getting on with some work.

It was around 1:30 in the afternoon and I heard whimpering so I headed to the living room, as I headed there the whimpers got louder, when I entered the living room Joongie was crying his eyes out.

"Joongie what's wrong?"

When he saw me he made grabby hands at me so I went over and picked him up, that's when I felt and saw the problem, Joongie had wet himself, I went to the bathroom and started running a bath for him, I then started to undress him and that's when I saw he  had not only wet himself, he also soiled himself, so it was a big accident he had.

It was hard to console Joongie, I placed him in the bath cleaned him up and took him to his nursery, he was still crying his eyes out hard, I placed him on the changing table and his cries got even louder, I felt so bad for him, he was so embarrassed and distressed.

"Joongie, it's ok it was just an accident, it's ok"

I comforted him whilst I was changing him into a minion diaper and a minion onesie, I grabbed a minion paci and paci clip for him and attached it to his onesie and place the paci in his mouth.

Once he was changed he was still crying so I made him a bottle of warm milk using his minion bottle, I placed him in his minion high chair and made his bottle as well as starting cleaning the couch, his bottle was finished so I placed a drip of it on my wrist to see if it was the right temperature and picked Joongie up from his high chair and took him to his nursery and sat on the minion bean bag bed and laid him down and fed him his bottle, he started calming down.

After he finished his bottle I gently lulled him to sleep and placed him in his crib and tucked him in for a nap I also took off my t shirt and gave it to him to help him sleep it was a comfort thing, he looked so cute with him suckling on his paci with a minion stuffie in one hand and my t shirt in his other.

I headed to my room to get a new t shirt and then went to tackle the accident stain.

It took two hours, Joongie also woke up after a 2 hour nap when he did wake up, I changed his diaper and then we went to the living room and watched despicable me and minions ( all of them) whilst snuggling, we also ordered take away and Joongie slept with me that night, he was still sad about earlier events.

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