Jealous Cupid

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Chapter Six:

Jealous Cupid

"I'm not the jealous type, but what's mine is mine. End of story."

Maya Granger

Biology was the last class I had, and it was also the only one in which I had with Ashton. So I wasn't surprised to see him there sitting next to Sakura at our usual spot. However, I was surprised to see Ryder there with them, sitting on the other side of Ashton.

"And the gang's complete!" Ashton exclaimed, as I took my usual seat in front of Sakura.

Ryder sent a wink my way, and I rolled my eyes in reply, not really feeling all that up to intertaining his antics. I felt tired from all the glares and stares I received throughout the whole day, and it was times like these that I wished I was homeschooled.

Sweet old Mrs. Jenkins came in a few seconds after I got comfortable in my seat, and the class quickly hushed upon her arrival. She was one if those old, yet cool teachers that has a way with students, eventually earning their respect.

"Alright, class," she started, smiling. "Before we start, I have an announcement to make. I have a project for all of you to do. You will be doing it in pairs, just like every other projects you've done before. So, I trust you all know who your partners are gonna be, yes?"

There was a series of nods.

From the beginning of the school year, Mrs. Jenkins had paired everyone in her classroom, so that when there's projects that need to be done, we don't have to go through the hassle of pairing every time.

Automatically, my eyes drifted towards my designated partner. He was already looking at me, a small smile on his face as he gave me a short nod. I returned the gesture with my own smile. Lincoln Manning was another nerd, except, he was the cool, popular kind. He was easy on the eyes, tall and lanky with just enough muscle to attract girls, and a cute dimpled smile. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a crush on him once upon a time. When I found out that he actually has his eyes set on someone else, whatever infatuation I felt for him disappeared, and we've been somewhat friends since then.

Mrs. Jenkins looked around the class, then continued, "Mr. O'Connel, I understand this is your first time in my class since a long time. So, I will pair you with..." She did another once over of the classroom. "Miss Knightly, since her partner seems to be absent."

At the mention of the familiar name, my eyes immediately went to Taylor Knightly. The beautiful blonde was sitting in the front row. She was the school's Miss Goody-Two shoes, and Queen Bee. She was strikingly beautiful with wavy blonde hair, milky white skin, a curvy figure and honey-brown eyes. And, to top it all off, she was very friendly and the captain of the cheer squad. She wasn't a snob. She didn't treat others like they were the dirt on her shoes just because her dad was a CEO to a huge recording company.


If I can describe Taylor Knightly, I would use; sweet, compassionate, soft-spoken, considerate, and lovable.

She also happens to be Lincoln's crush, and I only know this because of my constant begging that he tell me. I mean, I was curious as to who had managed to snatch his heart. And when I found out, I completely understood why he fell for her. And I also know they-Taylor and Lincoln-have some sort of history. I just don't know the details.

So, you can imagine my surprise finding out that she-Taylor Knightly, West Brighton High's Miss Goody-Two shoes-was chosen to be the unfortunate partner of him-Ryder O'Connel, West Brighton High's Mr. Bad Boy.

I watched as she turned in her seat to look at Ryder. She sent him a warm smile, and a small wave. My eyes drifted to Ryder, and found him smiling in return, and my heart gave a small squeeze. I instantly recognized the feeling. It was the same feeling I got when mom and dad bought Nick his PSP, but got me nothing that day. It was jealousy.

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