Ryder O'Connel

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Chapter Eight:

Ryder O'Connel

"Your heart knows things that your mind can't explain."

Maya Granger

I was smiling like a fool as soon as I spotted a certain couple. It has been over a week since then, and they have still been the talk of the school. I overheard whispers both of approval, and jealousy as I walked through the crowd of students, making my way over to them, their backs facing me as they held hands.

"Good morning, you two love-birds!" I greeted Taylor and Lincoln, grinning from ear-to-ear.

They turned around at the same time, blushing and smiling. Taylor momentarilly let go of her boyfriend's hand, and greeted me with a hug.

Ever since that fateful day that they got together, Taylor and Lincoln became the new part of our little group, and we all clicked, and it felt as if we have been friends for with her for a long time.

I returned the hug, and when we pulled away, Taylor gave my shoulder a playful shove. "It's been a week, Maya. Wipe that smile off your face."

"I can't," I giggled. "You're my OTP, there's nothing I can do about it."

Taylor's blush deepened, before she smiled mischieviously. "What about you? You and Ryder seem closer than ever." She winked suggestively at me.

I chocked on air, before squeaking, "Wha-Whaaat? No way. We've been just the same."

"Uh-huh. Yeah right," Taylor rolled her eyes.

"We really have..." I weakly attempted to convince her, but the way she was warily watching me told me I was fooling no one; not even myself. I inwardly let out a sigh. Ever since that fateful day that Taylor and Lincoln got together, I myself made a self-discovery-well, more like, accepted something about myself, but of course I ain't admitting to that anytime soon. I have fallen for Mr. Bad Boy, aka Ryder O'Connel himself, and since then, I didn't bother much about Ryder's PDA. I wouldn't escape his arms whenever he'd hug me, or when he'd hold me close to his body.

In fact, I even started returning the gestures, and play along whenever he called me his.

It shocked him at first, along with the others, but they gradually got used to it, and Ryder and I had indeed become closer. Sure, it hasn't been all good for my heart, but accepting these new found feelings made me feel good; like I was on a constant high, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Speaking of, have you guys seen him?" I asked, suddenly remembering the weird text I got from him that morning.

"No, why?" Lincoln answered, wrapping an arm around Taylor's waist.

"Something just seemed off about him this morning." I replied thoughtfully.

"How so?" Taylor asked.

"Look at this," I pulled my phone from my jean's pocket, and showed the couple the text I received from Ryder.

I watched as their brows furrowed in confusion. I replayed the text in my head, memorizing word for word of what he texted, since I read over at least twenty times.

Sorry, couldn't pick you up. I'll see ya later.

In sync, Taylor and Lincoln looked to me for answers, and I showed them another text from him. One from a few days ago.

Mayaaa!!! T^T i couldn't pick u up! My truck has a flat tire...so sorry!!!

P.S. I love you! >3<

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