Chapter 5 - Trapdoors! Trapdoors everywhere!

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Working and adjusting so I can do a Cale pov or something similar to it

My brain is just so un-imaginative 


"No, the test starts now.Hike through the mountain." Urokodaki says heading into the mountains with both of their younger siblings leaving both Barrow and Tanjiro behind chasing after him


As Barrow, Tanjiro, and Urokodaki traveled to the mountains white mist starts to show up everywhere.

'So tired... my head is spinning and my legs are so numb I can barely feel them' Tanjiro thought to himself with blood-shot eyes open before focusing on the mountain.

" Your goal is my house in the foothills of this mountain. This time I won't wait for you until dawn." Urokodaki Says before turning around and disappearing into the foggy mist.

'That's it?' Is what Tanjiro wanted to ask but keeps it to himself.

'So I just have to reach his house before daybreak? Too easy! My sense of smell is really good. Although it sounds a bit weird i still remember Urokodaki-sans scent!' Tanjiro continues to think to himself smiling meanwhile Barrow on the other hand is pitying Tanjiro

' Poor Tanjiro if he found out there are tons of traps waiting to bash his head right now he'd faint right' Barrow thought pitying the red-head with hanafuda earrings.


A few minutes have passed as Tanjiro and Barrow were walking through the mountains Tanjiro, picks up more speed trying to get to the house before dawn. Tanjiro accidentally triggers a trap.


" ?! "


pew pew bang bang. (what noises do rocks make?)

"Rocks came flying at me..." Tanjiro said now kneeling on the ground after dodging the rocks rubbing his  left side of his face from being hit by rocks.

"I mean this is a test there's bound to be tons of more traps as he head to Urokodaki-sans house." Barrow says helping Tanjiro up who had a bruise on his left cheek now

"I shouldn't have underestimated these tests.." Tanjiro says in defeat before continuing to run.

But unbeknownst to the two older redheads they had both accidentally activated a trap. Again.

"Agh- Fu-"


Barrow quickly landed on his knees then proceeded to catch Tanjiro who was about to fall into the pit.

' Wow. We can't have the main character dying here now can we? ' Barrow said internally now helping the younger redhead back up. But before they could even continue to head up the mountain.



"What the hell-"

Both Barrow and Tanjiro gets hit by a wooden pole that came out of nowhere. 

(Where does Urokodaki even install these in is my question.)

'Not good not good not good! At this rate me and Barrow won't even be able to reach the house by dawn!' Tanjiro think getting up after being hit by a wooden pole.


"So you're the younger redhead Giyuu was talking about." Urokodaki said sipping his tea across a small table from Cale who was obviously uncomfortable of course Cale would never show or say that he was.

"Yes.." Cale replied smiling proceeding to pick up the tea and drink it.

'Oh this.. This is sweet, very sweet.'  Cale thought drinking the tea that Urokodaki had brewed. God if it was bitter he would have cried, thankfully it wasn't so Cale continued to drink it.

"It seems you took a liking to the tea drink?" Urokodaki asks noticing Cale finished the drink he had brewed.

'I forgot that demons can't taste normal food damn it.. How do I explain this to him?' Cale thought biting his lip looking at Urokodaki.

"Yes! They're like wisteria flowers blooming in spring." Cale said smiling slightly coming up with any bullsh*t and lies he could think of. But he suddenly saw Urokodaki flinch? Was there a problem with his answer why'd he flinch? But before Cale could ask anything Urokodaki sat up first and gently draped a blanket around the sleeping Nezuko. 

However in Urokodaki's eyes he could see a small black haired child with a floral kimono and azure blue eyes sitting across from him saying the exact same thing.

'I like the tea teacher makes us it is like wisteria flowers blooming in spring!' She said lifting the tea cup up to her mouth slightly smiling before drinking it all.



"We.. We're back." A slightly bruised Barrow says next to him was a beat up and bloody Tanjiro who looked like he just came back from war.

"Tanjiro, Barrow. I have recognized your abilities." Urokodaki says standing there.

"Aniki? Why are you so bruised up?" Aren't you older then everyone here how'd you even get hit. Was left unsaid by Cale who had rose up from his seat coming over to Barrow. 

Normally a demon would have been drawn in by the scent of blood however Cale wasn't like that because he had record, record made it so that his body would stay in control no matter what situation he was in.

'Wow do you still have a grudge against me from when I stole your chocolate Cale? That was 8 years ago..' Barrow thought looking at Cale who had just insulted him.

"I got hit by some things other then that I'm very much fine." Barrow said smiling then hugging Cale who immediately fell asleep in his embrace.

"It seems your brother is a special case Barrow." Urokodaki said walking up to Barrow who was still holding the sleeping Cale.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Barrow asked slightly tilting his head.

"Normally demons would not be able to taste the food we eat or taste liquid except for blood, however your brother was able to retain his memories, not be drawn in by the smell of blood, and was able to taste normal food." Urokodaki explained to Barrow was now carrying Cale.

'I forgot about that. Luckily he didn't find it suspicious and kill us off at least' Barrow thought sweat dropping. When they had first met him Barrow had evaluated his skill and it was safe to say he was probably one level beneath Choi-Han, this man could have killed all of us if he wanted to but decided not to.


After chapter 6 I will post chapters a bit more slowly since I forgot most of the plot in Demon slayer after chapter 8 manga wise.

Oh I also decided to give barrow and Cale long hair out of nowhere. But Barrow ties his hair up instead and Cale ties only a portion of it like in the novel.

Spider-lilies of Reincarnation ( Tcf x Demon slayer )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz