Stereo Love - Intro

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Why did it come to this, was the only question in this man's mind when walking through the hospital hallway, searching for someone with a bunch of papers in his hands.

'How did he forget his paperwork? I literally reminded him this morning'  The male shakes his head disappointed before letting out a huff 'He's a grown man for gods sake!'

'However his job takes a lot of time and it's really stressful'  he looks down at the paperwork in his hands. Paperwork that someone forgot to take to work. 'so i guess I can't blame him that much'

The sight of his husband on the ground made him stop walking completely. The other male did not seem to notice him there, it seems like the other had a lot of things in mind. His husband suddenly slams his head on the ground startling the other and forming a crack on the floor.

'What the hell'

The shorter deadpans. Gorou Amamiya his husband of 6 years, the male has known him since high school. Never did he ever think that they would end up together. Or that he'd end up being obsessed with a sixteen year old. Or at least he thinks that she's sixteen. How old is that Idol anyway?

'What.. what are you doing?'

The man on the ground looks up through his glasses and suddenly his grim expression turns into one of pure bliss. The male quickly stands up giving his husband a warm smile.  'Ah, Hey, You won't believe who's in this room' he says while pointing to the door left.

The shorter tried to take a look inside but couldn't see anything. He sighs but smiles anyway. 'Hey Gorou, you can tell me later, but here' he holds out the papers for his husband to take. He should get back to work immediately, the male already had to argue with his boss before leaving for the hospital. 'I have to go back to work'

Gorou Amamiya pushes his glasses further up his nose and nods. 'Thank you for bringing those and sorry for forgetting' he says with a small smile. His husband nods while turning around to walk away. 'It's my turn to make dinner tonight, so don't come home so late yeah?'

The other nods before walking into the room where his favorite idol Ai Hoshino was waiting.




It didn't take long before night arrived. The two usually ate late, because of Gorou's messy schedule that changed every second. But the shorter one didn't mind, he could wait. While waiting also cook dinner, just like he did today.

Although he wasn't expecting this news when eating dinner together with his husband.

'What?!' was the only thing that came out of his mouth when his husband told him what happened today at work. The male let his fork down in shock, his jaw wide open, while the other continued eating calmly.

'Yeah, I was quite surprised myself' Gorou says with a sigh while putting the fork down before suddenly slamming his fist down on the table. His expression changed immediately to a sour one. 'I can't believe the one Idol I'm a fan of is pregnant..' he cries out disappointed.

'ah,' he picked up his fork ignoring his husband's cries. Taking a bite he says. 'Sucks to be you' the other teased, he didn't understand what the big deal was. What if the girl was pregnant, why should his husband of all people care? Life is tough. Especially when your husband likes a younger girl more than you.

'Can you keep this a secret?' Gorou asks snapping his husband out of his daydreaming. The shorter gave him a confused look. Gorou sighs. 'I promised Ai Hoshino that I wouldn't tell anyone'

His husband let out a noise of understanding before nodding. 'Yeah, but why did you tell it to me then?'

Gorou blinked before smiling sweetly. 'You're my husband, I tell you everything' he says while picking up his fork. The shorter pursed his lips, trying to stop the heat from forming on his cheeks.

'This guy...'




Months later and a lot of Ai talking. Like a lot. He started to think that he knows more about Hoshino than himself. Anyways it was late at night, as usual, his husband was late, however later than normal. He knew that sometimes there are emergencies to which Gorou had to attend.

He couldn't help but feel like something had happened, a gut feeling. The male starts to play around with the ring on his finger trying to calm his nerves down. 'Stop overthinking, you of all people should know that sometimes emergencies happen'

However, his feeling of fear didn't vanish. Normally he doesn't care when the other comes home late. Why was today different? 'I should...I should go to bed' maybe some nice sleep would help him get over this feeling.

He waited another ten minutes before shrugging. As he was about to go to bed the home phone began to ring. It startled him, the anxiety feeling grew by a hundred. What the hell was going on? 

'Who is calling this late at night?'  he thought while walking up to the ringing phone, he picks it up, putting it by his ear.  'Hello?' he says hesitantly, tapping his fingers on the table nearby.

Ruffling sounds. 'Good morning is Doctor Amamiya around?' a feminine voice asks. 'This is from the hospital and your patient is in labor' she says in a hurried tone which made the male frown.

Leaning against the wall the male shook his head before face-palming realizing the woman wasn't there to see. 'Yeah hi, this is his husband and no he isn't' he answers before worry hit him, clutching the phone in his hands tightly. His leg began to bounce up and down. 'Why? isn't he there?'

'He left an hour ago' the woman states which made his worries increase, sensing the male's panic the woman started to reassure him, telling him he's probably fine.

'Oh don't worry, I'm sure he's on his way home right now.' she says with a reassuring tone. The male took some deep breaths and nodded. 'Yeah, I'll tell him about Hoshino when he arrives'

'Thank you, have a good night'


Gorou Amimaya didn't return home. Leaving a worried and fearful male behind. He feared that something bad had happened to his husband, who was still missing.

After the call, he called the police about it. Who didn't start to look for him immediately, only after a week they began searching, however had no luck in finding him. And eventually they gave up.

The male was lost. He didn't know what to do. One day the male went over to cross a street, he was lost in his own mind, not paying attention at all, due to that he wasn't able to see a racing car, which hit him as soon as he stepped onto the street.

He didn't have a chance to turn before it hit him.

Killing him in an instant.




His death didn't take as long as he expected. The moment he closed his eyes, they were opened again. Only this time he wasn't laying on hard stone ground. No for some reason he was in a woman's hold.

A red-haired woman. She had a warm smile on her face while holding the boy. 'It's strange..he doesn't have the same hair color as his twin..' she whispers tiredly rocking him softly around. He yawned for some reason, why was he getting tired? 'You're quiet, unlike your sister..' the woman says, her voice was incredibly satisfying to hear, so gentle, so soft, so lovely.

The male's eyes met the woman's and she smiles. 'I have the perfect name for you' she whispers softly, closing her eyes for a moment. 'Shun..'

The boy blinked again making the woman laugh. 'Do you like it?' Well, he didn't think it was a bad name, the only problem was the confusion in his mind. What in the world was happening?

'That's your name..'

'Shun Arima..'


Babys in anime are (almost) always born with hair before anyone comments that or says something about it.

Anyways First chapter!!! Thank you for reading!

If there are any spelling mistakes please say so!

Intro Chapter!


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