26. A Thousand Years

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The song at the end- A Thousand Years by Christina Perri :)

I hope you like it! Be on the lookout for the epilogue, and my NEW STORY COMING UP: Call Me a Thief! :) Thank yall! xx


Chapter 26- A Thousand Years


“Can you be any more obvious?” Lizzy giggled as we traipsed through town, gazing at shops here and there. Niall had suggested a double-date- since he and Liam would be leaving soon- and so the four of us had taken off to Galveston for the day. At the moment, Lizzy and I were alone, passing through the section of town that was most comfortable, the one with the most people. Jim had taken Niall and Liam on a back route in the van to avoid being sighted, which was another one of those annoying quirks about hanging out with someone so famous. Lizzy and I were asked to look around for a while to avoid looking conspicuous. Then we were to meet the boys at one of the smaller shops downtown. I looked up to see Lizzy eyeing me questioningly.

“What?” I whined, playfully patting her on the shoulder.

“You eyeball everything like it’s already yours. I know you really want to go into some of these shops.”

“No. What I really want is something to eat,” I grumbled, rubbing my stomach tentatively. “But Mr. Boss Man says we can’t have anything because he’s treating us to a fancy lunch.” I looked at my wrist, imagining a watch there. “In two hours.”

“Niall is going to treat us to a great meal with one of his friends. It will be cool to meet them,” Lizzy said reassuringly. “But listen. Liam left me a couple hundred. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me spending it on you for today.”

“I’ll bet. I can’t believe you’re going to be writing songs for One Direction! I mean, how amazing is that?!” I squealed, remembering Liam’s news for Lizzy the other day. Liam had stopped over at Lizzy’s to have a special dinner with her family; over the course of the meal, he’d been ‘quite a gentleman’, according to my mother. Word always travels fast between our parents. But the best news of all had been Liam’s offer for Lizzy to co-write some of the band’s new music!

“I know! I can’t… believe it.” I followed as Lizzy stepped inside one of the more expensive shops, her eyes darting around. “See anything you like?”

“Liam left you that money. You buy something. A dress, perhaps?” I paused theatrically, pulling the first dress I spotted from one of the racks and swinging it around my body.

            “Eww…” Lizzy giggled. The dress I held was a puke-colored brown, with a giant black flower on the shoulder and too many tassels to count dangling from it.

            “Eww is right,” I said, smiling sheepishly and putting the dress back. “You get something. If I get to help you look beautiful, I’ll be happy,” I announced. Lizzy blushed, but otherwise complied. With all the other things in the store, we were focused on the dress racks. Within the next few minutes she’d picked out a gorgeous, pale, orange summer dress. The dark, bronze flowers that covered it made it look springier, and the spaghetti straps added to the overall warm-weather effect. Lizzy tried it on quickly, coming out to model, and I nearly squealed at how cute she looked. “Liam will love you!” I said enthusiastically.

Lizzy smiled back, changed quickly, and we headed to the register to check out. After ringing the dress up, the cashier smiled warmly at us. “This dress is fifty percent off,” she announced, and Lizzy and I exchanged a look. “You can pick out another dress the same price, and I’ll hold this one for you.”

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