2. Strangers

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Awesome! I finished a chapter in a day! :) I'm not sure if I could keep this up for very long, what with school, and all, but keep your eyes peeled! I may send out just a sneek peek or something if I can't actually finish an entire chapter! :)


AS OF 9-6-12:

UPDATED! :) I added just a few paragraphs about Leah's description as well as a few editing and grammar mistakes were fixed :)

Chapter 2- Strangers


            “Honey, you’ve gotta be safe. This is your first vacation without me, and I don’t want…” My mom trailed off, her eyes looking distant.

            “Don’t worry, Mom. Lizzy and I will be fine.” I gathered my suitcase from the closet and slung it on my bed. “It’s not even that far away.” My mom stood in the doorway, looking nervous already. We weren’t supposed to leave for another three hours. It was seven in the morning now, and already my eyes felt bright with enthusiasm about this upcoming trip. Mom didn’t offer to help me pack; she crossed her arms and frowned instead. I pulled a few piles of clothes from my drawer and tossed them into the open suitcase.

            “My little girl, all grown up.” I turned and stared at her blankly, my face falling. She literally looked like she would cry. Her bottom lip jutted out a bit, making me want to laugh and roll my eyes at the same time. I settled for another approach, crossing the room and giving her a hug. “I don’t want you to leave,” she said.

            “Mom.” My voice sounded annoyed, but it was really reproachful. “You promised you wouldn’t do this, remember?”

            Surprising me, Mom laughed. “I know, Leah. I remember. I’m going to go cry in my room.” She turned slowly to leave, and I heard her padded footsteps flowing down the stairs.

            “You do that,” I mumbled. I turned back to the task at hand, throwing my favorite clothes into my suitcase. My shorts were small in number; I never really felt comfortable wearing them here, in public, or even at school. But they were a must-have for the beach. I pulled my swimsuits from my closet. They were under-worn since I was never really able to go swimming during the summer. Next, my toiletries. I skipped to the bathroom at the end of the hall and rifled through the cabinets, grabbing all of my acne meds and makeup. My soap and special dandruff shampoo were thrown into my toiletry bag.

            I took a quick look at myself in the bathroom mirror. My light brown eyes stared back at me. Hair straight as nails, I’d taken the time earlier this morning to curl it. The little ringlets hung loosely just above my shoulders. My tan surprised even me; I’d caught a bit more sun than usual this past summer.

            Heading back for my bedroom, I tossed my toiletry bag on the bed and headed downstairs to grab my old tennis shoes from the pantry. Dad stood in the hallway by the living room. He wasn’t doing anything in particular; I frowned as I realized he was watching me. I bent over and found my old shoes. “You, too, huh?” I asked, smirking.

            “Don’t be so rough on your mom. She’s having a tough time letting you grow up.”

            “I’m almost eighteen. Starting college next year hopefully.” My eyes narrowed. “I’m practically already grown up.” After a pause, a question floored me. “So what’s your deal?”

            “Same thing, mostly. I’m just… you’re my oldest daughter. I’m sure I won’t have such a time with Cole.”

            Right, I thought bitterly. And I have to deal with the guilt trips and tears now. Instead of voicing that, I nodded. “I understand.” I turned back for the stairs, but stopped when my dad gave a considerable cough.

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