This is the Chapter of Cute

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<Gerard's dorm>
Gerard's POV:

I was really worried about Frankie, he seemed like he wasn't taking this ' coming out thing' as seriously as he should.
His Dad would ruin him....
I don't want him to take the light behind his eyes.
I'm gonna take him on another date...
We can go to the park and stargaze
Or maybe something that doesn't make us targets for murders.
Nah, stargazing it is.
I'll make some rolls as well.
I'll call him...
"Hey Gee" he sounded sleepy, he'd probably been lounging in his room avoid his father.
"Hey Frankie, are you free anytime soon?"
"I'm grounded forever."
"You're 21!"
"Okay. I don't have any other plans."
"Great. Can I take you out on a late-night-picnic?"
"Yes please!"
"What do you like to eat? Are you a vegetarian?"
"Great. What time do you want me to pick you up?"
"Like 5:00?"
"That's not late night!"
"But it decrease chance of murder, and we can watch the sun set."
"Blood red stain and blood red skies. How romantic!"
"I know. Hey give me a Green Day song."
"Ok. Uh...brain stew."
"Great. I'm Skyping my friend Ray, we have to play guitar together for school and he can't decide a song."
"HI RAY" I called out
"HELLO GERARD." A voice, assumably Ray's said, muffled
"See. Buddies already."
" I bloody hope so." I retorted
They spoke again, I don't think Frank meant for me to hear;
"See you two are perfect, he can really match you sarcasm and sass."
"Told you Frerard was the OTP,"
"FRERARD?" I yelled into my phone, ah, I was gonna make this more awkward
"YEAH, I SHIPPED IT FROM THE BEGINNING!" Ray called out, I could image Frank's face, all red with his head in his hands and his hair over his face. Cutie.
"See you at 5 Frankie."
"See ya Gee."
I hung up.
He was so cute and snarky and hot.
Those traits weren't closely linked but Frank brought them together, really well.
I was also going to see him today!
On a little, low-budget date.
Maybe I'll sell a painting to make some money to take him to a fancy restaurant.
But knowing Frank he'd probably requesting the String Quartet to play The Smiths or something.
I still might sell a painting.
I opened up my laptop and went to the local gallery's page.

Name:Gerard Arthur Way
Age: 25
Medium: Paint
Price: Buyer defined.
Sell Date: Buyer defined

My sunset painting was up for auction, which was a but if a pity because I really liked it, the clouds were shaped to form a messy quote,
Maybe the sh*tty symbols would make it more popular.
I can only hope.

<Iero House>

Gerard's POV

I borrowed my friend's pick up truck again, it was too far to walk to Frank's place and back.
Getting out I fixed my hair, it needed to be dyed again.
Guess who's bought to knock on the door...
Hopefully the Fag Terminator won't open the door....
"Who are you?" Mr.Iero was politely concerned,.
"Hi, name is Gerard. I'm here to pick up Frank." I decided to play it cool, just like Frank had.
"Go away."
"Oh please Mr.Iero. I've packed a picnic for us."
"Gerard. You have turned my boy into a faggot."
"I can't turn people into faggots. I'm not a fairy godmother."
"Go Away." He went to close the door but Linda had hurried down the hallway and stuck her foot between the door and the door-frame to stop it from closing.
"Gerard. It's been too long." She said, opening the door, ushering me inside. Her husband stood behind her glaring.
"Thank you so much Linda."
"No problem dear." She pulled me into a semi polite hug, I wasn't the polite part.
I stuck my tongue out at Mr.Iero over Linda's shoulder.
"Come on through."
I began to walk through the hall way as she scurried upstairs, hopefully to get Frank.
Mr.Iero just kept glaring.
I flashed a smile and tossed my hair.
He kept glaring.
It was a very stern silence, till Frank stumped down the stairs.
"Frankie!" I moved to the foot of the stairs.
"Hello Gee!" He pulled me in for a hug, I kissed his cheek.
"Alrighty boys. See you later." Linda said, making me feel like I was 16 years old and taking Frank to prom with me.
"Bye Mum." Frank said and we walked down the hall, hand in hand.
He opened the door for me and we got into the truck.
"Where are we off too?"
"The park."
"Which park?"
"The big oval, off High St."
"Ah, I've been dragged to football training there."
"Why do you say dragged like you don't love football."
"I love seeing you at football."
We pulled up to the oval, which was pretty bare aside a few kids playing soccer.
I went to the back to get the picnic rug and basket.
"Where do you want to sit Gee?"
"I dunno, under the cork tree?"
"Trying to one up me?" This wasn't a relationship this was a sass-off-with-kissing. But I love it.
"No, trying be a cute boyfriend."
"This is how you be a cute boyfriend;"
He slung his arm around my waist and kissed my neck,
"I know right."
"Ruined it."
"I know right." He said, less enthusiastically.
"Let's sit" I unfolded the rug and put it on the ground, sitting down and patting the space next to me.
"Well isn't the sky beautiful!" Frank said looking up.
"It's kinda like your eyes. All dark and glittery."
"That sounded gay."
"We are gay, stupid"
"Really. I didn't know."
Even though he was clearly sarcastic I was gonna sass him.
"This is gay;" I leaned in and kissed him, softly and sweetly.
He kissed back, just as gently. These kind of kisses normally made me feel really nice and warm but when it was from Frank I just felt that double, I think that cloud 9 should be called cloud-kissing-and-pissing-off. Some people were staring,not so nicely but Frank made me forget that, his rough hands cupped me cheeks, mine were resting around his waist, it seemed that that was how Frank and I naturally fit together.
He eventually broke away, smiling and blushing.
He was so f*cking cute!
"You know kissing you, really make me hungry..." He said seductively
"For.." I was gonna match his tone, and I winked but he got and and crawled lver to the basket I had set aside
"You are a child."
"True, I'm your babe."
"We can't just talk without you making so many cute jokes."
"FOOD!" He repeated.
I leant over and pulled the basket between us
"So I don't know what food you like so I made a few rolls."
"Gee, I eat everything."
"I'm Italian!"
"I don't know if that's yes or no."
"Great. Salami and Advocado?"
"Yes please."
I handed him a roll and took out a ham and cheese for myself.
"Someone's a fan if cling-wrap." He said, unwrapping his roll
"Says the clingy one."
"Time to talk like a normal couple."
"I don't know like, anything about you. What if you like Blood on the Dance Floor." Oh my f* cking god this boy...
"I'd kill myself."
"If I didn't get there first."
"Please. BODTF would kill me."
"What's your favorite animal?"
"You where getting off topic."
"Okay. Cats or gfto."
"Okay, I'll just take my love of dogs and leave."
"Nooooooooo!" I wined and pulled him into me.
"Okay. What's your biggest fear?"
"Something bad happening to Mikey. And needles."
"You are such a good brother."
"I really want Mikey to do well. He worked hard to get on the football team and I'm proud of him. I want him to do well then settle down and have a family and be financially stable and yeah...."
"Mikey will do well. You're a good role model."
"Thanks. What are your fears?"
"That the kids playing soccer are going to hit us with there ball."
"Look at the sky."
"It's cloudy."
"See. It's gonna rain."
As if on cue a slight spit started to pour.
" told ya." Frank said as he stood up.
"To the truck!"
We picked up the corners and folded the blanket up quickly before scurrying into the car.
"You must be psychic."
"My dear Gee, it's produced psycho ."
I just chuckled and buckled up my seat belt.
"Where to Frankie?"
"My place?"
"To piss off your Dad?"
"You know me too well."
"Want to play some music?"
"Yes. Blood On The Dance Floor."
"I'll chop your dick off."
"Please Gerard, that would make you more upset than me,"
"This isn't a conversation, this is an innuendo exchange,"
" Sounds like a strippers Stcok Exchange."
" just put on some blink."
Soon First Date was playing, we hummed and sang along.
This was pretty darn fun.
Sneaking around to make Mr.Iero mad made me feel like a rebellious 15 year old again.
I wasn't too rebellious at 15.
I was a loser.
But I'm making up for that with my fiery red hair and sassy attitude.
And a jawline sharper than my snarky remarks.
I pulled into his drive,
"Operation make my Dad angry commence." Frank said, taking my hand
"Most people wouldn't try and talk sense into their parent but your just bothering him to death."
"Have been since birth. He's persistent."
"So are you."
"Exhibit A" I ushered towards our hand and he, using his spare hand knocked on the door.
"Gerard! Frank! You're home early." Linda said, opening the door and showing us in.
"Yeah mum, it began to rain."
"How about a coffee then? I could put on a movie for you too."
"Mum I'm not 11...."
I interrupted
".....That would be lovely, thank you so much Linda."
Frank went over to his coffee machine and started pressing all these buttons. I don't understand, I struggle to turn on my phone, why does the home button turn it on as well?
All I know is Frank turns me on.
"Do you boys want to watch a Disney Movie?"
"Sure." Frank mumbled, still facing the coffee machine.
"The little Mermaid?"
"Sure." Frank turned around with two coffees in his hands. Stuff Hogwarts, this is magic!
We went to sit on his couch in front of his TV, I loved how open and caring his mum was, like Frank could be sexually attracted to a cartoon character and she'd still worry that the cardboard cut out was too thin and needed to be fed.
We sat as the Disney theme began to was the cutest thing, second to Frank of course.

AN: Thanks for reading. Sorry it took so long to update.

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