I don't hate Adam Sandler. You might hate me though. (FINAL)

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Gerard's POV

It some moments I feel like I have awakenings .
This is one of those times.
I realised:
1- I love Frank.
2- I hate Adam Sandler movies
3- I love how Frank also hates Adam Sandler movies.

About halfway though Grown Ups he paused it,
"I'm done. We need another movie."
"You wanna pick and I'll get us coffee?"
I walked over to the cabinet of DVDs, the kind all families with small children have. I'm sure this is just Mr Iero being 'traditional.'
In the end (AN:as the we fade into the night, not sorry)
I picked Mean Girls.
I don't care. I'm white, I love this movie.
"Gerard. That is so fetch." Frank said, waking over with two mugs,
"This is why I love you."
"Because you bring me coffee and quote Mean Girls to me."
"This is the gayest movie."
"You are the gayest."
"Your gayer."
"Excuse me, my brother plays football."
"Does that cleanse your queer sins?"
"I feel left out now."
"Nope. You're mine." I pecked his lips.
"I'm impressed I didn't spill any coffee yet."
"Put the disc in."
I winked,
"Sorry. I love innuendos."
"I can goddamn tell!"
I put the disk in.
Yes. The Iero's did have a dvr. They were probably singlehandedly keeping DVD rental places open.
We sat down and he leant on me, handing my a coffee.
We were cuddled up on the couch, Linda had gone upstairs to 'read' , Frank claimed that if she said that she was reading it meant she was dying for a nap.
It was drawing near to 4:00, when Mr. Iero would come home.
Maybe he's a Mean Girls fan.
He acts a bit like a Regina George.
"If you were a Mean Girls character who'd you be?" Frank asked, interrupting my thoughts
"Uh, Regina George, duh." Sorry Mr.Iero the role of b*tch queen is taken by moi.
"No. You'd be the one too gay to function."
"That's you."
"Why do we always argue about who is the gayest. It's obviously me."
"Really? Prove it."
He leant over and kissed me, hard. Losing him I forgot about his sleeping mother and how his father was coming home soon. He kissed me and kissed me, pulling himself onto my lap. We were in a very heated make-out session when his father coughed.
Sh*t. I didn't hear him coming in.
"S-Sorry Mr.Iero"
Frank was still on my lap. His arms crossed and his eyes on his father.
"Frank. Do you want to uh...?" His Dad ushered for him to get off me but he stayed put.
"Frank. I'm doing very well in handling this."
"Well I'd appreciate if you went easy on and me and I'll do likewise."
"But Gerard's really comfortable."
Actually I don't think I would be so comfy. I'm kinda hard.
"So is the couch. Sit."
Frank rolled off me, like a teenage who had to get out of bed.
He sulked as his Father but away his brief case.
"So Gerard..."
Why was he taking to me?!
"Now I can actually talk to you without Frank interrupting..."
"Oi!" Frank said.
"I was wrong. But I want to know about you. I'm afraid I know your name, your school and that you don't play football."
"Oh. I'm 27. I'm an artist, we actually just went to my exhibit this morning. I'm majoring in art. I like painting, dying my hair, cats and...uh, Frank."
"That's nice." He said genuinely, "Do you have any siblings?"
"Just my brother Mikey, the football player."
"Okay. Do you have a job?"
"Not as such. I earn money through selling my paintings and now, I've been asked to do something for a gallery."
"Thank You Mr.Iero."
"I think you can call me Frank now."
"Okay. Thank you Frank."
Of course Mr.Iero named his only son after himself.
"I'm still the main Frank." Frankie said.
"Of course." I kissed his cheek.
The movie was ignored.
"I should head back to campus."
"Can I walk you back to the truck? I have to pick something up from the post office anyway."
"Goodbye Gerard." Mr Iero said,
"Goodbye, tell Linda I say bye as well."
"Of course."
With that Frank took my hand and walked me away.
Everything was coming up Frerard:
-I got a semi-job
-Frank's dad was approving of us
-Both our families liked us
-We were pretty darn in love
As the summer rolled in, only a week away I could tell it was going to be a happy- I mean gay, break.
"I love you Frankie."
"I love you Gee."
"I love you more."
"I love dogs."
"I mean, I love you."

I'm going to write and epilogue and I'm sorry the story kinda sucks now. I've lost my ability to make puns and I could cry.
Lots of Love,

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