Chapter 6

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Camilo's POV

I blink the golden floaters away and take a deep breath. I don't think I will ever get used to that feeling, it's like I'm floating, I feel weightless. I don't know which way is up, down, left, or right. Then BAM I'm back on the ground. It amazes me how quickly Y/N can do it. I still remember when she first got her gift. She couldn't stop teleporting randomly. If she got spooked she'd teleport, if she sneezed she'd teleport. It was honestly really cute. Sometimes, if I can reallllly get the jump on her, she'll do it.

I look at Y/N and stare in amazement at the gold aura that still surrounds her. I think, out of all our gifts, hers is the prettiest. It rivals sunsets and sunrises. But the beauty of her gift could never match up to the beauty that is her. She really is Mi Vida, Mi Corazon.

She looks at me and blinks quickly after making direct eye contact. She gulps and looks away as red slowly starts to spread on her cheeks. "So, uh, what was the chore you needed to do out here?"

I smile solemnly, "The old woman who lives on this corner requested me to come over and turn into her late husband so she could see him in person one last time."

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise and started to look shimmery. "You do that for people?" She uttered softly.

I sigh, "Not often, but I remember her husband, he was the one who would lead street dances and such. He was a good man. It felt right to do it this time."

Y/N nodded slowly as we walked up to the door, I knocked. A woman, similar in age to our mothers, opened the door. Her eyes lit up in recognition on her solemn face. She nodded at us and moved aside to let us in, her hand shook as she gestured inside.

I gently grasped Y/N's hand and lead the way inside. Sofia watched us with a knowing look and smiled softly. She closed the door and beckoned us.

"Come, we can sit in the living room, would either of you like a drink?"

Y/N spoke up first, "Gracias Senora but we're alright." I let her sit down first before taking my place beside her. I felt her thumb start to rub circles on my hand.

Sofia sighed softly as she too sat. "You two remind me of when Mateo and I were your age. We were married for 39 years." A tear rolled down her cheek. She quickly tried to wipe it away.

"Oh dear, "She giggled sheepishly, "Lo siento, it's just, we knew each other our whole lives, yknow?" A gentle smile appeared on her face now. "He was my best friend, mi vida, it's hard without him here."

I nodded in response, completely understanding. I don't know what I'd do without Y/N.

"Are you sure you would still like to do this senora?"

She nodded, "Si, I just want to see him one last time."

I stood up letting go of Y/N's hand. Glancing down at her, I noticed she was just looking outside the window. I frowned before looking at the picture on the wall. One of Sofia and Mateo. I felt my body change, I grew taller and my hair was shorter. I made eye contact with Sofia and smiled the way I remembered him too. He was the first person to teach me how to dance, I'd never forget him.

The tears came back full force now and she smiled through them all. It was the brightest one she'd had through all of this interaction. She took a deep breath and then nodded. I nodded back before shifting to my original form. I saw Y/N from the corner of my eye finally look at me again, she too had tears on her face.

I sat back down next to her and gently smiled. "Oh, Mi Vida, too gentle-hearted for this." She sniffled defiantly as I wiped her tears away but I know I had done my job of trying to cheer her up as no new tears came.

Sofia chuckled and I felt a blush rise up my neck. Ah, forgot she was there. I cleared my throat as Y/N took the lead in standing up. This wasn't the only chore for me or her today after all.

"I won't keep you two any longer, mucho gracias Camilo," Sofia brought me into a hug before whispering in my ear, "She loves you just as much as you love her." She pulled back and caressed my face before tapping my cheek, "Take the leap, you might be surprised by how short it is."

I gulped before nodding with a smile. I looked back at Y/N when Sofia went to hug her too.

When they separated Y/N held a soft blush on her face when she walked over to me. She interconnected our hands and away we went. I opened the door for the both of us.

We walked for a minute in silence before Y/N spoke up, "I think you did the right thing too Camilo." She looked at me with a soft look in her eyes. My heart swelled with love. I smiled at her and brought our hands up giving hers a short kiss.

She smiled back before kissing mine. "I need to go see if anyone needs help with anything, have fun with the children Camilo."

Huh? "Children?" Only then did I hear the excited cheers and thundering footsteps, I glanced behind me to see a horde of children ready to be entertained. I gulped as my eyes widened, I quickly looked back at her.

"Heh, uh, wanna stay here and help me, perhaps?" She got that familiar glint in her eyes that usually I loved but right now, I knew it'd only spell trouble for me.

"Mi Vida, amor, please Mi Corazon. I beg of you don't do what I think your gonna do." I now held her hand with both of mine as I pleaded with my voice and eyes. She looked to the kids behind me, growing ever closer then back at me again. I waited for her to say she'd stay and then, she fucking giggled.

I refused to blink as I watched the golden sparkles appear and she disappeared into them. The weight in my hands vanished and I sighed deeply while I finally blinked. I took a deep breath and met the storm head-on with a quick turn of my foot. I threw my arms out dramatically.

"Woahhhhhh, where's the fire niños?" 


Ya'll I last updated this when I was a sophomore???? I'm just now about to finish my Junior year, I am so fucking sorry. Truly. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I liked writing it.

 A quick reminder that  I am not fluent in Spanish, my skills go to what my ex taught me and freshman year Spanish class, so I mostly use Google or what I see in the movie itself. If I get anything wrong just tell me and I'll fix it! 

- Rowan

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