Chapter 25: Chained

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'Sakura Haruno vs Ino Yamanaka

An anya-like grin spread across my face as I met Ino's gaze, the blonde girl's eyes widened. I observed her behind the grin and watched the twitching of her fingers give her away.

'She's nervous'

'She has been waiting for this moment for a very long time'


"Well I'll be damned, a good old fight to the dea- I mean heheh...." I giggled. Naruto snapped his head around with raised eyebrows.

"WHaT?" His voice cracked loudly, Kakashi patted his shoulder before walking towards me and leaning down to my ear.

"I think it's better if you quit Sakura-Chan, Ino is a clan heiress after all..." The silver-haired man trailed off, I felt my rage grow and I turned swiftly away from the man and walked down the stairs. Each step made my rage grow as the whispers grew, I narrowed my eyes at the blonde girl in front of me angrily.

"I never thought I would fight you, or at least fight you this soon. Not like you'll win..." Ino rolled her eyes with a smirk on her face.

'She's just trying to rile you up' Inner grumped.

'And she's chosen the wrong time to do this, No mercy.' I furrowed my eyebrows and flashed my teeth, my newfound terror technique.

I stood there awkwardly and sighed when the silence where Inner dialogue was rampant.


That one word started the match, that one word was my signal, I sunshine behind the girl and landed a kick to her back that sent her barreling forward into the ground.

'Payback for all those things you've said to me, I'm proving them wrong. I may be able to ward off their condescending words but what good is a smooth tongue without sharp teeth.'

The girl jumped up as quickly as she could muster and engaged in hand to hand combat, I scoffed at the little to no muscle in her body. She always did think that muscles were gross on women, Her mistake. I had worked for many years to gain muscle and strengthen my body.

The Yamanaka put distance between us and took a Kunai from her pouch, cutting her hair off. I watched disinterestedly as she spread her hair in an attempt to trap me. I swiftly kicked the air near the ground and giggled at her facial expression as the hair blew away.

"Sorry Ino, I'm not as dumb as you thought I was" I flashed my teeth at her in a bloody grin, I felt Kakash's wary stare on my back. Ino ran towards me and raised her fist to deliver a punch, I walked to her in long strides and ducked under her punch. I used the opening to deliver a strong knee to her stomach and a punch to her face. I felt something snap under my fist and winced as the girl flew back once again.

"MY NOSE!" She shrieked as she touched her nose gingerly with a wince. She wiped the blood off her face, effectively smearing the red liquid across her face. I pulled out a kunai and gripped it tightly in front of me.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" She shrieked once again and ran towards me with a kunai in hand. I parried her kunai with mine easily and glanced at the audience. Everyone seemed bored with the match already, everyone except Naruto that is.

"Yeah go Sakura-Chan you got this!" He exclaimed as he leaned over the rails and waved his arms excitedly.

I shunshined behind the blonde girl and swiped her kunai pouch swiftly, tucking the pouch into the sleeves of my kimono top and knocked her out with a simple but solid chop to the neck.

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