update that you need to read シ︎

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K as of when I am writing this I have a a lot going on in my life,like as of tomorrow I have to do stuff for a a vent I'm in then go watch fireworks yes I know it June but I'm in a different state for 4th of July but anyways moral of what's going to happen with writing is that I will possibly have one new update out that way it gives you guys something to read while I'm gone,I'm not sure if I will get that out because it's been deleted I have no clue how don't ask me cause I have not cule someone tell me please.Anyways I might just do I short story just so you have that to read and it doesn't give me anxiety about posting so don't worry the story isn't stoping just being postponed I will get you guys that one short story out then see you guys when I get back also it's like 12:56 so I will post the short story when I awake up probably when most of you see this so it will hopefully be out when you guys wake up or whatever ok imma go to bed see you guys when I get back :].

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