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S1 E3

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S1 E3

winning the battle, losing the war


"Hi, I'm Dr. Sloan, and I'll be assisting you with your injuries today." Maddison tells the patient, who was gripping his leg.

"Hey." He looks up at her. "No one told me my doctor was gonna be this hot."

Maddison lets out a dry chuckle.

"Are you trying to hit on me?" Maddison asks him, as she sits down near his leg and looks at it. "While you're clutching your bloody leg that you injured during the stupidest bike race that I have ever heard of?"

"Haha." The guy laugh. "Can't hurt to shoot your shot, huh?" Maddison just looks at him amused. "Aaron, pleasure to meet you."

"Well, Aaron." Maddison tells him. "It looks like you're going to need some stiches and then you're good to go. Just make sure you don't put any stress on that leg." She looks at him pointedly. "That means, no biking till at least 3 weeks."

"Okay." Aaron nods. "Hey, can I get your number?"

Maddison just shakes her head, amused.

"I do hope you have informed our patient of our strict no patient-staff relations rules, Dr. Sloan." Liam's voice comes, as he walks up next to the bed.

"Was just about to, Dr. William." Maddison replies, hiding her smile.

"Pleased to meet you, Doctor." Aaron tells him.

Liam looks at him, up and down.

"Charmed." He replies, clearly being sarcastic.

Maddison chuckles.

"I'll go get the suture tray." Maddison tells the two men, getting up and walking away.

"Hey." Aaron turns to Liam, as Maddison goes out of hearing range. "Is she single?"

Liam just grits his teeth, not knowing why that annoyed him.

"I don't know." He simply replies, checking the patient's vitals to make himself busy.

"You think she'll go for me?" Aaron asks.

Liam turns to look at him, the former's face not amused in the slightest.

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