61 | great advice from a great man

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S2 E21superstition

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S2 E21

"FOUR SURGERIES, FOUR FATALITIES and the day has barely started." George tells them, as they change in the locker room. He turns to Cristina. "Can I have a bite of that?"

"No. You're in my apartment, you don't get to be in my food." Cristina replies, continuing to eat her chocolate.

"Can I, Cupcake?" Maddy leans over to her, in the middle of pulling on her scrub top.

"Here you go, Muffin." Cristina replies, offering her the bar, and Maddy takes a bite then pulls off her scrub top.

"Dr. Burke gave me a protein bar, this morning." George tells them.

"Burke packs his lunch for him, did I mention?" Cristina rolls her eyes.

"Who is her, your boyfriend or your dad?" Maddison asks George, a little weirded out.

"I talked to the morgue guy this morning." Izzie says, eating an apple.

"The one with the unibrow?" Meredith asks.

"Or the one with the uneven hair?" Maddison adds.

"The one with the like teeth thing." Izzie replies. "And he said that surgical fatalities come in threes and sevens. Says there'll be three more before midnight."

"Well, ok then. Since dead tooth morgue guy said so." Cristina says, not believing.

"He's the morgue guy." Izzie tells her. "He knows things about death."

George drops a cap, and Meredith picks it up, turning to him.

"You dropped this." Meredith tells him, but George just ignores it and walks away. Meredith turns to the girls in disbelief. "He's still ignoring me."

"Yeah, no wonder, just look at that cap." Maddison nods to the cap in Meredith's hands. "I'd be embarrassed to acknowledge I owned it, too."

"Ignore him back." Cristina offers.

"Derek says I should apologize until he listens." Meredith tells them.

"Derek says?" Cristina raises an eyebrow.

"Great advice from a great man." Maddison nods, smirking.

"It's good advice. He's my friend. That's good friend advice." Meredith defends, as Alex pulls Izzie aside.

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