39 | i missed your abs

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S2 E10

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S2 E10

much too much

WHEN YOU WERE A kid, it was Halloween candy.

Liam finally turns the lock to his house open, after having some difficulty because of the intern who was between him and the door, making out with him.

You hid it from your parents and ate it until you got sick.

"Welcome." Liam tells her, as he walks in, making her walk backwards and hit the opposite wall lightly.

"You have a very nice home." Maddison replies without looking around, focusing on kissing him.

"Glad you like it." Liam hums.

In college it was the heady combo of youth, tequila and well you know...

Liam pick her up, making Maddison giggle.

As a surgeon you take as much of the good as you can get...

He walks towards the bedroom, effortlessly carrying the girl who wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around hid neck.

Because it doesn't come around nearly as often as it should.

As he lets down Maddison on the bed, still making out, his hands explore her body, making Maddison let out a soft moan.

"I missed your moans." Liam tells her, pulling away to look at her, making Maddison roll her eyes.

Cause good things aren't always what they seem.

She pulls him back by his collar.

"I missed your abs." She replies.

Too much of anything, even love is not always a good thing.

"THERE'S A BOY IN my bed." Meredith says in the phone, as Maddison walks through the kitchen in Liam's shirt and her underwear.

"What's his name?" Cristina's voice asks.

"Um, Steve." Meredith answers.

"Oh, you remember this time." Maddison chuckles. "Congratulations."

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