Chapter 17~ Drunken actions = sober thoughts

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The night had just begun and we were already a few drinks in. My gut was already telling me that one of us was going to end up doing something tonight that we'd end up regretting the next day, and god I hoped it wasn't going to be me. I am very aware on just how reckless I can get when drunk, and I am not trying to make it the boys job to with my bullshit, especially on our one night off of editing. The guys and I all sat around the beautiful warm fire in Josh's camp chairs peacefully chatting the night away.

"Thanks again for inviting us over dude" River thanked Josh again before quickly downing yet another can of alcohol, making it his third can already. The twins have always drank faster than me, but I have never had any interest in even trying to out drink them, those boys are absolute fucking savages, even Wyatt's been gaining their drinking trait.

"Yeah man we really appreciate it... I think I speak for everyone when I say we really needed this" Ryan added with a appreciative smile on his face. Wyatt and I nodded in unison to the twins appreciation while taking a sip from our alcoholic beverages.

"Of course guy's, the nights are never dull with you's here" Josh replied with a flattered smirk.

"Are we really the only ones you asked to come over tonight Josh?" I chimed in while crossing both my legs over to get more comfortable in my seat.

"Actually no, Seth should be here shortly he's just finishing up on some editing" Josh explained in his usual kind tone. Instinctively I gave him a surprised expression in reply to his answer. Then again to be fair I don't even know why I'm so surprised about that at this point, Seth and Josh are together almost twenty four seven nowadays filming for Josh's beyond the dark series on YouTube.

"I did also invite some other good friends of mine but I don't think they've gotten back to me yet..." Josh added now causing me to feel genuinely curious. I watched Josh, who was sitting in front of me on the other side of the fire. He grabbed his phone out from his blue jeans pocket, I'm guessing to see if these friends of his had replied to his invitation yet or not. Josh's face expression changed to a surprised look as he turn his phone on.

"Oh they did reply back, looks like they're on their way now!" He exclaimed looking back up at us. My curiosity was certainly now at it's peak not knowing who exactly he was talking about. It was like Ryan could read my mind because after Josh's confirmation he asked who exactly these friends of his were.

"Oh, you know Sam and Colby?" Josh turned to Ryan with a excited smile. I felt my mouth instantly drop open in shock. Who the hell doesn't know Sam and Colby!? They're the most popular paranormal investigators on YouTube! Sometimes I forget just how popular Josh also is on YouTube compared to the guys and I.

"Oh shit really!?" River blurted out in shock, causing some of his drink to spill in his hand. Josh gained a proud smile, seeing mine and Rivs surprised faces.

"Looks like we finally get to meet the one and only Sam and Colby guys!" Ryan slowly panned back to all of us. I looked over at Wyatt who was sat between both twins with the same shocked expression on his face. I could very clearly see that he was feeling the exact same way as I was right now. Just the thought of meeting Sam and Colby appeared so unreal to me, I truly felt honoured to have the opportunity to meet these amazing boys in person. I could see River in the corner of my eye trying to shake the spilt alcohol off of his hand.

"Riv..." I sighed and gave him a look as if to say "your so clumsy". The sound of my voice instantly made him turn to me. I could see the pure innocence in his icy blue eyes, even if River was one of the most sinful people I have ever met. He definitely has his moments of pure innocence.

"Let me help you out there" I offered as I rose up from my seat and hastily jogged my way back inside to grab some paper towels off of Josh's kitchen bench.

𝑹𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔 𝑿 𝒀/𝑵 (𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒍)Where stories live. Discover now