15. scene

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Ignore the mistakes:


"Jeon Jeongguk, for the last time I'm telling you, go away. I have to prepare him for his performance,"

Taehyung said while rolling his eyes when jeongguk shakes his head.

"Why you only? He's my son. I have my rights to decide what will he perform," Jeongguk utters, eyebrows furrow and crosses his arms.

"Jeongguk, I can do that alone and top of that, we are almost done," Taehyung said and jeongguk scrunch his nose and nods.

"Okay then,"

"I'm sure you're gonna love it," Taehyung winks at him as he blows him a kiss.

"I'm sure you're gonna love it," Taehyung winks at him as jeonyul waves him bye. "Go or else you'll be late for your work daddy,"

They blows him a kiss. Jeongguk feels like jeonyul is taehyung's son nowadays, only their face looks alike nothing more.

"I want to know what you're teaching him taehyung," Jeongguk utters and his eyes twitched, judging him by his eyes.

"You will know when he performs at the stage hubby," Taehyung said as they chuckles while looking at him.

He just sighs and kiss jeonyul's forehead and waves them bye. He was about to go but jeonyul called him.

"Where is taetae's kissie, daddy?," Jeongguk turned around when he heard that, the adults flushed as jeonyul keeps looking at him with little pout.

"H-He's not a baby like you son, he doesn't need to be kissed,"

"But daddy, everyone needs kissie, no matter what, every young and old person need kiss to show love, to feel love,"

Jeonyul said, nodding himself as jeongguk hesitantly took a step towards taehyung who was frozen out from jeonyul's comments.

"Can I kiss him tomorrow?," Jeongguk asked, looking at jeonyul who shakes his head as no.

"You never kiss him when you left to work, you have to do it today, right now," He said, crossing his arms and looks at him, waiting while tapping his foot in the ground.

Taehyung sees that jeongguk was hesitate to he decided to interrupt the awkward moment. "Yulie, I don't need any kissie right now, maybe later? Come let's practice the dance now,"

He says as jeonyul pouts, nonetheless he nods, jeongguk gave him a small smile as they bid byes and parted ways.

"Taetae, is my singing good? I feel so happy when I sing that song," Jeonyul says and looks up at taehyung, both dancing like he has been teaching him.

"Yes yulie, your voice is sweet and you too, everything you do is good," Taehyung raised as they did the wiggle wiggle dance.

He sat on the floor. He connects his mobile phone to the speaker on the other side, turning the music they have been practising. "I'll watch now, sing the way I teach you,"

Jeonyul nods, taking a deep breath as he giggles when taehyung winks at him. "This one is for you wonwoo, minhyuk and your minions," He starts, pointing at taehyung sassiness drippings up, imaging him as his bullies.

"Look inside, look inside your tiny mind, now look a bit harder cause we're so uninspired so sick and tired of all the hatred you harbour," Taehyung claps his hands, telling him to continue.

"So you say it's not okay to be gay, well, I think you're just evil
You're just some racist who can't tie my laces
Your point of view is medieval....."


"We are,"

"Going to the office to,"

"Bring daddy's lunch foo,"

"And we are,"


Taehyung and Jeonyul made a complete heart with each of their arms as they chuckles, doing high five and did some aego, completely out of their mind before walking out from the mansion.

With Jeongguk's lunch, taehyung has asked jeongguk if it's okay if he brings his lunch to in his office and jeongguk agrees and they are going with a huge smile on their face.

They both are happy today because jeonyul has sang the song without any mistakes and did some extra dance too, they have completed his parents day performance now.

They hoped on taehyung's cycle he recently bought and drove towards jeongguk's office. He started to sing and jeonyul starts singing along with him.

After riding for more than fifteen minutes, they finally reached the Jeon's Building and looks up, staring up, short off breath as they both shakes their hips, people looks at them, weirded out by their dance.

"Kim Taehyung and,"

"Jeon Jeonyul has,"

"Arrived at the Jeon's building safely," They both completed the sentence and giggles, going inside as the guard let them, he knows jeonyul so.

They walks towards the reception area and taps on the glass table, the lady who was typing something in the computer looks up and said. "Yes? How may I help you, sir?,"

"Aw I'm here to give Mr Jeon's lunch to him, can I know if he's busy or not right now? We don't want to disturb him if he's busy," Taehyung spoke politely as jeonyul tiptoes and nods.

"Okay let me check first....he's free now since it's the lunch time now, you came here just in time, you can go, I'll let him know,"

She said, politeness drippings as they both bows and walks towards the elevator, going up.

"Yulie, you used to go up from this or by walking?," Taehyung asked, pointing at the elevator. "From this taetae, it's so fun," Jeonyul replied, eyes shining like a star as he nods.

"I see, you're not afraid then. Let's go," Taehyung said and they both went inside, jeonyul click the tenth number as the lift went up. "The elevator is,"

"Going up and up," They both started again as they reached, the door opened and they both walked out.

"Will daddy like our food? I'm so excited to see his reaction," Jeonyul said, walking first, showing him the direction of jeongguk's office.

"I'm sure he will, after all it's his favourite food, all of it and top of that we, jeonyul and taehyung made it," Taehyung utters, flipping his hair and jeonyul nods.

"Daddy's working room is here...,"

Workers were looking at them as they bows to them and walks inside the office, stopping at midway seeing the scene in front of them.

There was jeongguk under jihyo's on the sofa and his hands on her shoulders.


I just notice there's no angst and I'm not planning to write it I just want to make this funny and happy family book☺

I just notice there's no angst and I'm not planning to write it I just want to make this funny and happy family book☺

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