21|| Love

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Research Ship
Percy/Omega's POV
I'm sitting in the cockpit of the ship listening to music, and eating some food. It's about 4 a.m and I'm just sitting in the atmosphere of earth looking down upon the planet. I don't want to wake up anyone at camp, so I have to wait until 8:30 when breakfast starts to land. I go into the lab to pass the time, and decide to try to analyze Kronos' fight patterns.

"Gideon pull up any videos of Kronos fighting." I say and 3 videos come up. Really? Out of all the shit we have saved only 3 videos of him fighting? I play a video and see it's the first battle I had with him. I go through the videos making notes of all the things he does the same, and surprisingly it's a lot. His fight sequences are basically the same with a few curveballs thrown in.

After I'm done, it's been about and hour, and I sense an iris message. I remove the mask I put on iris messages and saw V looking at me with a smile. I give a confused look, and she gives me a warm smile in return.

"What's up, love?" I ask

"Nothing. Just watching you sing while working." She says

"That's not creepy at all." I say sarcastically "Why aren't you asleep?"

"I don't sleep very good when your not around." She says

"I'm sorry, love." I say while sitting down

"When are you coming back?" She asks sadly

"I'm waiting until everyone's awake, so they don't think it's an attack. I'll be back before breakfast ends." I say

"Okay. I'm sorry about last night." She says

"You were expressing your concerns. I never should've let it escalate." I say

"I mean I never said it wasn't your fault." She says and I chuckle

We talk for a little while until it's time for me to enter the camp. I tell V goodbye then walk back into the cockpit. I prepare for flight, then mask the ship in mist so governments won't get concerned. I casually fly through the boarders of camp earning a lot of scared and confused looks from the pavilion. I land the plane a few feet from the shore of the lake, and deploy the walkway the connects to the entrance.

I turn turn on the noise reducers for the engines, and open the door to the ship. I turn off the flight controls, and head out of the ship. I exit the ship and, almost immediately, I feel Bianca wrap her arms around me. I wrap my arms around her taking her into a hug. She just holds onto me for a few more seconds.

"I missed you." She whispers

"I know, my love. I'm sorry I left you." I say

"Do it again and I'll kill you. At least tell me where your going next time." She scolds

I chuckle at her and say, "Of course, darling."

I walk back into the dining pavilion and call the team into the ship to discuss my findings. We all walk into the lab, and I summon the file to begin the discussion.

Dining Pavilion
Annabeth's POV
Everything is fine and dandy at breakfast until a random space ship lands on the lake. Yes, a space ship. What in the hades is going on? The door opens and Percy walks out causing me to smile. My smile drops when Void runs out and catches him in a hug. They hug for a few seconds, and I feel a pinch in my heart. He's mine. He will always be mine.

The team all walk out of the pavilion and into the ship to talk about gods knows what. I may have no idea what they are doing, but I do know that I have to get Percy away from Void. I need to make him love me again. No, I need him to snap out of whatever trance he was put in.

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