26|| Death

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Half-Blood Hill
Bianca/Void's POV
Percy falls to the ground holding in his pained screams catching our attention. We  huddle around him as he lays in pain. I falls to my knees beside him, and takes his hand in mine. Tears start flowing from my eyes, as I realize that he may not live. He was right. He all turn when we hear Luke call us.

"Guys." He says as he hold up a syringe with a few drops of neon green liquid

"No." I breath

There's nothing we can do. He was injected with the fire. This is it. He's going to die. He let's out labored breaths as the fire burns him. I bend down and sob into his chest, and he brings a hand to my face. I sit up and look down on him with tears pouring from my eyes.

"Your gonna be okay, Percy." I say and he shakes his head

"No, Bianca." He says

"No, you can't leave me, Percy. Please don't leave me." I sob

"It's okay. Everything's going to be okay." He whispers as he fades into nothing

He died. The love of my life died to protect the demigods. I bow my head and sob. Zoe sit beside me and pulls me into her chest and I just cry. What else am I supposed to do. When he told me about his dream a few days ago I didn't want to believe him. I didn't think it was possible for him to die at the hands of Kronos. But now I'm here. Without him.

"It's okay,  V." Zoe says

"He's dead." I say "He left me, Zoe. He left me all alone."

"You still have us." Silent says "We aren't going to leave you. It's us against the galaxy."

Zoe picks me up, and we go back to the ship. We collapse onto one of the chairs as the team makes sure all the campers are safe. They get rid of the cabin and table, and enter the ship. Charles goes and gets us ready for departure then comes back into the lab.

We all sit in silence as we take in what just happened. The only sound in the room is the trilling of the engines, and my crying. A few minutes later, Charles speaks up and talk to Gideon.

"Gideon, set flight course back home." He says "Also... change life status of Perseus Jackson."

"Life status changed to 'deceased'." Gideon says

We all go silent as the ship starts its way up. In a few seconds, we are in space headed back towards home. A few minutes in, a hologram image of Percy shows up.

"Gideon, what is this?" Luke asks

"A message that was programmed to show up in the event of Percy's death." Gideon says "Would you like to watch it?"

"Yes." He says and the video plays

"Hi guys. If you are watching this it means that I died. I'm really hoping that you never have to watch this, but there's a good chance I'm not gonna make it out of this fight. It's been a pleasure fighting with you, and I'd choose to do it again in every lifetime. But please, don't let my death be the thing that tears the team apart. I've trained you well enough to do our job without me. It's you take over, and carry on my legacy. Who knows, maybe I'll fist fight the void for a free pass out of there. I need you guys to move on. Let me find peace in the after life knowing that you are all okay. I love you guys till the end of time. Hope for the best... prepare for the worst." The video says then it cuts off

How did I let this happen? How did I let Percy die? I promised that he wasn't going to die, and I lied. I lied to him. Now he's dead, and there's nothing I can do. How am I supposed to just move on? I know he wants me to but I just... can't. I have to hold on to the hope that someday, somehow, he might come back back to me. And, that's all I need.

We all sit in silence as we make our way back home. Hours later, he finally arrived home. The ship landed, and we all got off. I was still holding onto Zoe as the rest of the team stayed quiet. We were met by Order and Chaos, and they seemed happy to see us until they realized that Percy wasn't with us.

"W-Where's Percy?" Chaos asks like he knew what we were gonna say

"He was injected with Greek fire." Luke says "He's dead."

Chaos' face faltered as he registered what Luke said. I tear fell from his eye as he faced the fast that his only son died. He let out a sharp exhale, and fell into the arms of Order. Order took his brother into a hug, and comforted him as he came to terms with this information. Order himself was trying to keep it together, probably for the sake of his brother.

We all walked back into the castle, and we all went our separate ways. I quickly go to ou- my bedroom and shut and lock the door. I slide down the door, and start sobbing again. I pull myself up, and go to my bed to hopefully get a sense of home. Sitting in this bed only reminds me of the fact that Percy isn't coming home to me. That thought is what broke me. I lay down and sob until I had no more tears.

1 week later
It's been a week since Percy's death, and everyday is harder than the last. I've spent the last week in my room alone ignoring everything that's going on outside. Everyday, Zoe and Silena would come to my door, and try to get me to come out but I just ignore them. I can't bring myself to anything but sit in bed and cry. I don't sleep and I barely eat, but I don't care. I just want Percy back.

I hear a knock on the door then, "V, it's time."

A few days ago, Zoe came to my door telling me that Percy's shroud burning was today, and I don't know what to think. I summon on a plain black dress, and hesitate before leaving the room. A worried Zoe and Silena stand on the other side of the door, but they relax a little when they see me.

We go out to the castles courtyard where the ceremony is being held. I go and stand with the team, Order, and Chaos as the ceremony begins. Me and the team go up and place his shroud in the fire. It is a beautiful black and gold shroud with a bunch of symbols embroidered into it. We watch as his shroud burns, and I start crying again. If I had a dime for every time I cried this week I would be rich. We all sit in silence as we watch the shroud burn, but we all turn when we hear someone speak.

"Who died?" The person asked

We were staring at none other than Percy mother fucking Jackson.


That's a wrap! I hope you enjoyed this story! I had an amazing time writing it, and plan to write another one soon! Have an amazing rest of your day! Byeeee!

Words: 1259

Just kidding! There's one more chapter ;)

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