Eomma and Jin

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Jin's POV :

After the encounter with Jungkook's cousin, I walked to where Granny and Mrs. Jeon were talking. Hobi is nowhere to be found. I wonder where he is.

"Jinnie, I am very happy for you. May God make my kid's life filled with happiness and peace afterwards."

Granny said it wholeheartedly as soon as he saw me. My granny is the sweetest person I have ever met. Maybe I fell into depression when my parents left me, but my grandmother was always with me and made sure to give me the best. She is the only reason for my existence. I am so grateful to God that he didn’t leave me alone. He brings happiness into my life in the form of my granny. Even after years, her love for me hasn’t even decreased an inch.

"Jin, did you eat anything?"Mrs. Jeon asked with concern.

"No, I was going to and I think it will be great if we eat together."

Its been days that I have eaten with someone. Since I came to Jungkook's house, I have always eaten alone.

"Why are you starving? It's not good for you both. Come, let's eat something, dear."
Mrs. Jeon said and dragged me and Granny along with her. I smiled at her and followed her.

Mrs. Jeon forced us to eat so many foods. I and Granny managed to eat most of it, but Mrs. Jeon doesn’t seem to be stopping serving food. In order to get away, my granny claimed to be on a medical diet and left the area to wash her hands. Bu here I am, trapped in Mrs. Jeon's love. I think I also have to find an excuse, like Granny.

“ Jin,how is life with Jungkook? Is he treating you well? Did he make time to spend with you?"

Mrs. Jeon asked suddenly. I don’t know how to answer her questions. I am tired of lying to her. She saw that I was hesitating to answer.

"I know that Brat will always give priority to his company. I'm sorry about that. He was trained like that."

"Trained ?"

"Yes, it's all his father's fault." She sighed for a minute before continuing.

"His father was a workaholic person. He wants his son to take his position after he retires. So he started to train him for the CEO position when Jungkook was only eight."

Did she just say eight? How can an eight-year-old boy be trained to take over the company? It's only his school age. This is ridiculous. I stood there, speechless.

" Right. I was also shocked, like you, when my husband said he was going to train my eight-year-old Kookie. Jungkook was so adorable at that age. He looks like a baby bunny. Everyone adores his cute little bunny smile. He was Eomma's boy, but everything shattered when my husband took that decision. He makes my Kookie study hard in all subjects, tutored him every day. He changed his look and personality—everything to suit him—to become a perfect future CEO. He doesn’t give him time to play or to make friends with other kids. He doesn’t even allow him to spend time with me. He will lock him in the room if he ever fails a test. He puts all his time and effort into his company. My Kookie grew little by little in that environment. Later My husband was diagnosed with cancer, and he hid it from us for a long time. He always spends his time in company,  somedays he doesn’t return home. I was slowly losing my husband without knowing that he was cheating with his ex. I only came to know about this when she appeared at his funeral with a baby. Jimin was only seven when she left him with me. She committed suicide in the heartbreak of my husband's death. From that day on, I grew Jimin into my own son. I didn’t hide the truth from both my sons. When the time came, Jungkook became the CEO of Jeon Corporation. And now he has achieved success and is stepping up more like his father. But both of them failed to live,for themselves."

Throughout my life, I thought rich people didn’t have to suffer; only poor  people have to suffer to live happily. But that has changed now. Mrs.Jeon has led a painful life by witnessing his husband and son distancing from her. It must be really hard for her.

Tears are already forming in her eyes. But she held it back. I don’t know how she endured all this pain.

"I wish one day someone would come into my son’s life and teach him how to live a lie like an ordinary person. Someone who will be there for him till last. Someone whom he can lean on when things get hard instead of hiding it by drinking and making one-night stands. I think God heard my prayers. That’s why he sent you into my son's life, Jin."

She looked at me, giving me a warm smile, before continuing.

"I know he is a hard one. But trust me, my Kookie is not what others think; he has emotions. It's just that he doesn’t want to show his weakness to others. He was trained to be the best. But we are all humans; it's ok to be imperfect, to be weak, and to take rest sometimes. I believe in you, Jin. You can make him a full human being. Thanks for giving me hope. Even if I die tomorrow, I can die in peace.”

Mrs. Jeon held both my hands tightly. I feel guilty . what am I gonna do ? Will she ever forgive me if she knows the truth? I am going to break her heart one day. She is going to hate me after she leaves. I hope I will have the strength to face it.



Third person's pov :

Jin had been stirring the soup for the past ten minutes, thinking about yesterday's party. He didn’t get any sleep last night. He was now engaged to Jungkook, which he never thought would happen, and it was all fake. Faking for Mrs. Jeon and his granny. Mrs. Jeon's words are still in his running in his mind. It was something he couldn’t ever forget in his life.

"Wow, this smells really good."
Jimin said from behind Jin, which made Jin jump a little from the place he was standing.

"Oh my gosh, Jimin, you just gave me a mini-heart attack." Jin said this while putting his hands on his chest.

"Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. What are you cooking?"
He asked curiously.

"Chicken soup"

"What? Don’t tell me you are making this for Hyung. This is Hyung's favorite one."

“N-No, I suddenly c-carved for some of this, so I decided to cook it."
Jin's ears were red after he said that.

"Is that so? then why are you becoming a tomato?" Jimin asked in a naughty tone, which was not unnoticed by Jin. Jin became more mess.

"J-Jimi-n, its not what you-u-"

"Did you like my hyung?" Jimin asked without any notice.


"Jin, falling in love isn’t a crime. If you like my hyung, I will surely support you." Jimin said, giving him the sweetest smile ever.

"Jimin, you are misunderstood. I don’t have any feelings for Jungkook, and you said he is never interested in relationships."

"But what if I say he has an interest in you?"

"I don’t understand what you are saying." Jin said it confusedly.

"Then listen to me clearly. My Hyung, Jeon Jungkook, who has never been in a relationship, has an interest in Kim Seokjin."

Jin stood there speechless. He is processing what he just heard from Jimin.

“I think its flash back time.” Jimin said.

Flash backwards

Morning 6:00 am , the day after their night together.

"Pick the damn phone, Jimin."

Jungkook was trying to call Jimin for the 11th time that day, but his brother seemed to be in a peaceful sleep. Jungkook was walking past his room, holding his phone. Finally, Jimin answered the phone.


"Why the hell do you take this much time to answer the call?"

"It's only 6 a.m.; I want to sleep. Why are you making me crazy? We don’t have anything important today."

"Where is the guy you sent yesterday for me?"

"Isn't he with you? I didn’t even give him his pay."

"He was not here when I woke up. Do you have his number?"

Jungkook's last words made him sit on the bed instantly.

“Did you just ask me the number of a guy?” Jimin can't believe what he just heard.

"Yes, and I want him now; contact him and inform me of his details this instant."

“I am right; he is not like the other guys. He quickly gained a place in Hyung's heart within a night.” Jimin said it as though he were speaking to himself.

“Cut the crap and do what I say."

“I am sorry, Hyung, but they didn’t share their employee's personal details with anyone."


"Yes, but if you are interested that much, I will ask someone to search for his details and even set a date for you.”
Even though they are speaking on the phone, Jungkook can imagine Jimin’s mischievous smile.

“I am not interested in anyone. I just want another night with him. Don’t you dare set me any dating scraps. You can sleep now.”
Jungkook cut the phone immediately and left his room in rage.

"I wonder if he meets that guy again; he will surely hold him tightly and don’t let him go.” Jimin said and laughed himself.

End of flash backward

“That whole day, he was so mad that he almost fired an employee for looking at him for a few seconds. I have never seen him like that."

All this information is so overwhelming for Jin that he didn’t even blink for the past five minutes. Jimin came near him, which diverted Jin from his thoughts.

"I will be really happy if you both end up together.” Jimin said it genuinely.

"Jimin, we are all acting for your mother. I don’t think falling for Jungkook is a good idea because, in the end, we are going to be apart."

"If that’s the issue, then don’t worry; Emma is not going anywhere soon."

"How can that be possible? you said-"

"What are you doing here, Jimin?"

Jin and Jimin looked towards a tired Jungkook, who had just come from work, his tie hanging loose and his coat on one hand.

"Right time, Hyung, I came to tell you both that Eomma is not going abroad next month; she is going to extend her leave."


Jimin and Jin were suddenly jolted by a furious Jungkook's roar.

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