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17 - Where Two Sparks Collide


Bright and early, Abigale took it upon herself to introduce me to more pack members since the big unveiling last night. Though they were all very welcoming, all this hospitality was almost overwhelming, and I knew it was going to be harder and harder to disappear. While I appreciated the warmth of their gestures, I couldn't help but trapped; missing the feeling of dirt between my paws and the wind in my fur. My wolf was feeling caged and the weight of my past on my shoulders didn't help.

When we finally got back to the pack house, I instantly fell on the couch and hid my face with a pillow. Giggling, I felt the weight of Abigale as she settled beside me.

"Okay, I think I've seen and met everyone who lives in this big house," I mumbled.

"Just trying to make the Alpha's mate happy," Abigale teased and I threw the pillow at her.

"Ugh, quit calling me that. I've heard enough mate talk to last me a lifetime. What I need is to see something beyond these walls. I miss running on all fours. I miss... I miss my friends," I admitted.

I rose, resting on my elbows as I looked at her. "Do you think the Big Bad Alpha would let me out of this cage?"

Her eyes filled with understanding, and she gently suggested, "Why don't you ask Haden? Maybe he'll take you,"

The idea had crossed my mind before, but I scoffed. I would have better luck pulling out all the hairs on my head. The man was insufferable. All he did was lock me in a room and ignore what I had to say. I had to get out of this house before I drove myself insane and with Abigale's suggestion in mind, my wolf agreed that a run might be just what we needed. A need to escape. A need to feel free and not caged.

"You know what," I started as I stood, "that's exactly what I'm going to do."

Summoning every ounce of determination, I made my way to Haden's office and barged right in, eager to have my voice heard. I found him sitting by the table by the window with his eyes focused on the document before him. He didn't look up at the sudden intrusion.

"Come right in, why don't you," he muttered, reaching for the ruler on the table and tapping the pen against his lips, "something you need, Zara?"

I didn't respond right away, taking slow, deliberate strides toward him as I looked around the room. The last time I was in here, I hadn't had the chance to appreciate the fine art and decor that adorned the walls and shelves. The room exuded an air of authority, with dark wood panelling and rich, leather-bound books lining the shelves. A grand mahogany desk dominated one side, where I imagined Haden often conducted his pack business.

My eyes moved to a large oil painting hanging above the fireplace, depicting a fierce, majestic wolf against a backdrop of a moonlit forest. It was a striking piece, capturing the essence of the alpha and the power he commanded. A shiver ran down my spine as I contemplated the image, a stark reminder of the man I was dealing with.

As I walked towards his desk, I reached out to touch the golden plaque with the words ALPHA HADEN engraved in it. The clutter on his desk was somewhat organized, well, too organized to be defined as clutter. My hand reached out to touch the golden ornament but when I glanced over to where he was sitting, I noticed he was watching me silently.

There was something intense in the way he observed me, as if he was trying to decipher every thought that crossed my mind. I couldn't help but feel the weight of his scrutiny, making me acutely aware of the tension that lingered between us.

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