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39 - Revelations That Burn


      The night hung heavy with the weight of revelations as I paced in my office, running my hands through my hair in agitation. I didn't know what this would all mean and I sure as hell didn't know where to start. Zara sat at the table by the window, my T-shirt reaching her thighs, as we both waited for the others to swarm into the room.

My mind raced at the possibilities, knowing that Zara may just be the solution we need right now. She would have information from ages ago; she may have been the first one to even see the Rogue King.


I looked left, watching as the group slowly filtered in, their eyes taking in the state of the room.

"You guys do know there's a bedroom upstairs, right?" James joked but neither Zara nor I cracked a smile.

"These late-night meets seem to be a common occurrence, Alpha," Conner voiced as he met my gaze, Abigale following behind him.

"Everyone in, shut the door," was all I said.

"Is... Is Zara okay?" Natalia asked and I sighed, glancing at my mate.

"Take a seat," I said, nudging my head towards the chairs then went to stand behind Zara. "There's been some... developments."

"What kind of developments?" James asked, glancing between us both.

Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I announced, "Zara knows who the Rogue King is."

A collective hush fell over the room as everyone turned their attention to Zara, who shifted under the heavy gazes.

"What do you mean by 'know him'?" Conner asked.

"It turns out that the Rogue King was the same man who killed her family and entire pack," I clarified and watched their eyes widen.

"Zara," I softly said, hands finding themselves on her shoulders and rubbing them lightly, "you want to share?"

She took a deep breath before beginning her story.

"I didn't realize who... who it was until Haden connected the dots. We were both in here and I saw the sketch of the man on the floor. I would recognize his face anywhere," she leaned back into my touch and I felt my lips involuntarily tug upwards with pride that she could find comfort in me.

"I was seven when I woke up to my house being engulfed in flames. After seeing this place, I guess it would have been the pack house. It was noisy and I remember that because my father liked a quiet, calm house so it was just out of order for there to be crying and screaming. I ran out of my room and saw panic; everyone was running around, trying to escape the flames, and if they weren't running they were fighting."

"Men dressed in black were everywhere, but all I cared about was finding my parents. And I did – being held hostage deep in the woods. When I found them, they were both being held down and there was a knife pressed to my mother's throat," she continued, her shoulders slumping and her head going down.

"I had to watch... I had to watch him slit her throat. She didn't stand a chance, no matter how much my father begged and pleaded. I cried out, a little girl seeing her mother wouldn't have any other reaction. Unfortunately, that cry gave away my hiding place."

"Oh no," Natalia gasped, her hands covering her mouth.

"Yeah, well my father did try to protect me. He fought and fought but in the end, he was lying in a pool of his own blood. From his dying breaths, he said 'You won't get what you want, Zachariah' and then he told me to run. I've never looked back since."

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