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21 - Burned To A Crisp


My heart pounded as I tucked myself in bed, a war between anger and disappointment waging within me. Haden's kiss was seared into my memory, the feeling of his lips against mine, the fire that ignited between us. Scorched our very existence, leaving us wanting more. And now, everything that had begun to progress between us was now erased by the simple sight of him kissing Natalia.

It was just my luck to be mated to an Alpha - a man who couldn't help but get what he wanted whenever he wanted. The man didn't know what he wanted and that was one of the worst qualities a man could have.

The room, my refuge, was both a haven and a prison. I buried myself in the dark sheets, throwing them above my head, refusing to let the shameful tears fall from my eyes. He wasn't worth crying over.

"Zara, can you just open the door and let me explain?" he pleaded but I closed my eyes, as if the darkness would blank out my hearing as well. I couldn't let myself be consumed by a man who couldn't decide whether he wanted me or not.

I could feel my walls going back up, the cracks being sealed up as if it never happened; as if I never opened up to him. If he wanted Little Miss Perfect, he could have her. I wasn't going to be stuck between the two of them for anything.

He continued to pound on the door, begging and pleading from the other side, but I ignored his every word. If years of surviving on my own had taught me anything, it was to numb my feelings and keep moving forward. There was no room for complacency or trust.

No room for mates.


I banged on the door repeatedly and pled my case from the other side, hoping that she would open the door but nothing budged. With slumped shoulders and a migraine forming, I descended the stairs and moved towards the living room in defeat. This was all my fault. I put off telling Natalia about what was going on with Zara and now, like Conner predicted, I hurt both women. Whatever connection I had managed to build with Zara was now shattered like glass, dwindling to dust.

I let out a sigh when I saw Natalia still standing in the living room with confusion written on her face.

"Haden... what..." she tried to formulate as I made my way to the couch and stuffed my head in my hands. I took a few minutes to breathe, trying to get rid of the headache and the fact that my wolf was frustratedly stomping around in my head.

You've ruined everything, he growled at me.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

"Haden, what the hell?" Natalia exclaimed, "I come back to see that rogue in this house - after everything she... she... wait, is she..." I lifted my head up just in time to see her eyes widen, watching as she connected the dots in her head.

"Oh, Haden," she whispered, falling onto the couch beside me. I felt the waves of shock trembling around her and we both sat in silence for a while.

"All the strange behavior makes sense now. It didn't before. I couldn't wrap my head around you being... well, it just all makes sense now. Congratulations," she softly added.

"Nat -"

"No, no, I really mean that," she wore a small smile as she turned to look at me, "Haden, we made this arrangement based on the fact that we both didn't have our mates and we were, at the time, the best solution for the pack. A strong Alpha and a capable Luna."

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