Chapter 74

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Forgotten Juliet - Chapter 74

A moment later.

“Hey, Juliet!”

The door to the reception room swung open without a knock.

Walking briskly into the empty reception room was Teo Lebatan, one of the visitors.

Teo had chanced upon Juliet from a distance a while ago and had followed her.

He wasn’t sure why she was dressed in the robes of a priest, but it was unmistakably Juliet. Teo, with his distinct red hair, looked around the room suspiciously and furrowed his brow.

“What the? Where is she?”

Where did she go?

“You shouldn’t just barge in like that, brother!”

The guardian priest, who had been guarding the entrance, hurriedly followed with a shout.

“I told you! This area is off-limits– ugh!”

True to his notorious reputation, the youngest son of the Lebatan family grabbed the pursuing priest by the collar and pushed him.

“So, are you saying I was seeing illusions?”

“No, no… His Holiness said that no one should disturb this place…”

The grabbed priest sweated profusely.

Theo suspiciously looked at the empty room again. However, he couldn’t see any other exit.

Strange. He was sure he saw her go in here.

“The sister might be elsewhere–”

“How do you know whether she’s my sister or not?”


“How do you know if she’s my sister or not?”

“I… I thought you said so…”

The priest evaded his eyes, embarrassed.

Hmm. Something seemed off, but Teo eventually left the reception room without finding anyone.

* * *

Nix appeared in Juliet’s dream.


Nix seemed to be hinting that he was hungry as he chirped at Juliet.

‘I need to feed him.’

Right. Nix!

Surprisingly, Juliet’s eyes fluttered open.


She felt slightly dazed as she woke up.

‘Am I still dreaming?’

When she opened her eyes, she saw a canopy attached to the bed’s ceiling.

‘…A princess’ room?’

If Juliet was ten, or perhaps fifteen years younger, she might have been thrilled. But even as a child, she never liked such childish, flowery pink lace.

Where is this?

Juliet tried to assess the situation.

For some reason, her entire body felt sore, as if she had exerted muscles she hadn’t used in years and was feeling the aftermath.

She struggled and managed to sit up.

Looking around, it confirmed her first impression.

It wasn’t a dream. The room was filled with dolls and furniture arranged neatly around the bed where she had been lying.

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