Chapter 106

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Madam Ilena explained with a hint of annoyance:

“’I offered Viscount Fusilli the chance to choose between losing a limb or his head’… That’s what the Duke of Carlyle said.”

Juliet blinked slowly. It wasn’t surprising that Lennox had pressured Madam. However, Madam seemed not to want to escalate the situation further.

Viscount Fusilli was insignificant, but the person behind him was the issue.

The Viscount was the relative of Marquis Guinness. And Marquis Guinness was a great lord of the South.

If she handed the Viscount over to the Duke of Carlyle, it was obvious that Viscount Fusilli would either lose his life or face a fate even worse.

Then, Marquis Guinness would have a reason to protest against Madam Ilena.

Madam didn’t want to create animosity with either of the two noble families.

It was characteristic of the Madam to value just cause and dignity.

Frankly, Juliet didn’t expect much from Madam.

While Madam Ilena was warm-hearted and pleasant, she was also the old-fashioned type who would scold her granddaughters for wearing dresses that exposed their shoulders.

After a moment of thought, Juliet asked:

“Hasn’t Viscount Fusilli left yet?”

“Yes. He said he wanted to meet you. But don’t worry. If you don’t want to see him, I’ll send him away immediately.”

Madam Ilena said this, seemingly gauging Juliet’s reaction.

“Actually, his belongings are already loaded in the carriage.”

“I see,” Juliet replied, understanding the situation.

She remembered noticing the carriage when she came in. It was apparent the Viscount was inside.

“Actually, he insisted on meeting you in person to apologize and seek forgiveness.”


“Oh, alright! I’ll tell him to leave right now.”

As soon as the Madam finished speaking, a servant standing nearby quickly went out. It seemed he was going to convey the order.

Murmuring as if making excuses, the Madam said:

“…I thought you wouldn’t want to see him.”

Hearing this, Juliet gave a meaningful, quiet smile.

“Yes. There’s no real need to meet him.”



“Oh? A butterfly.”

Emma, who had been wandering, spotted a butterfly of a color she had never seen before.

However, there were no flowers around.

It seemed strangely out of place.

The butterfly, fluttering around momentarily, seemed to take away Emma’s soul and quickly flew out of the greenhouse.

“Grandmother! Did you see that butterfly? It had such a unique appearance-“

“Oh, what’s the fuss about a butterfly in a greenhouse? Don’t make a big deal out of it like a child, Emma.”

Madam Ilena scolded, but Emma couldn’t let go.

“But… didn’t you see it, Juliet?”

“I’m not sure.”

Forgotten Juliet / 잊혀진 줄리엣 Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora