Chapter 83

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Forgotten Juliete Chapter 83

“There’s no change in the amount of the young lady’s magic.”

Eshelrid slightly spreads the gap between her thumb and index finger.

“It’s the same amount as before.”


Eshel made a motion of waving the back of her hand sideways.

When the doctors couldn’t determine the cause, Juliet immediately sought out Eshelr.

However, Eshel’s response felt just as mysterious.

Originally, Juliet Monad’s magic power wasn’t particularly outstanding.

It even seemed a bit insufficient to summon butterflies at will.

However, Juliet summoned butterflies freely.

That was also why Eshel had been observing her closely with interest.

Perhaps it had been a fluke up until now, and it was only natural that Juliet lost her butterflies.

But Juliet didn’t think so.

“When I was in the underground dungeon, I took the Soulstone from Sebastian.”

Juliet briefly explained what had happened in the underground dungeon.

From the puppets controlled by Pope Sebastian to the Soulstone made from the remains of his sister.

“Hmm, that might be the cause.”

“Is it because of Genovia’s Soulstone?”

“Yes, because magic and divine power are opposed.”

“Even if I didn’t use the divine power directly?”

“I’m not sure about that.”

Eshel thought deeply with a serious expression.

“I’ll look more into the girl named Genovia and the Soulstone.”

If she was that much of a genius, there might be records left, Eshelrid added.

Having said that, he suddenly grinned.

“You must be the only one who summoned so many spirits in the middle of Lucerne.”

Eshel continued to giggle.

It was truly an unprecedented event.

Eshel thought he would never forget the sight of thousands of butterflies soaring into the sky above Lucerne.

“Eshel, you just looked like a very wicked magician.”

“How can I resist such a delight?”

Eshel shrugged.

Come to think of it, the long-standing rivalry between the temple and the Mage Tower was famous.

“It’s like planting a flag in the enemy’s territory!”

Of course, Juliet was a spirit user, not a magician, but she did use magic in a sacred place of divine power.

Eshel knew many crazy magicians who would pay a fortune just to demonstrate a large-scale magic in the middle of Lucerne.

“If you visit the Mage Tower, masters will rush out to treat you as an honored guest.”

“But wouldn’t they want to meet a spirit user with enough ability to do such things?”

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