Don't Call Me His. 9

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Erikas POV

I woke up to the feeling of someone straddling me and violently shaking me. Carter's breath hit my face as he shouted at me. With a jolt, I opened my eyes and reached for my wolf; she was back. And relief rushed over me. I had pushed her deep into my mind when I sensed the drug as the bottle shattered through the small window in my cell.

I knew who and where it came from when it hit my nose. It surprised me that he took so long.

My Fae instincts had taken over, shielding my wolf from the full effects of the poison. Blue Lotus is the alluring aphrodisiac of the Ancients and the Achilles heel of Lycans.

But it wasn't the poison making me sick now; it was the scent on Carter's breath. It reeked of another woman, tainted with the unmistakable smell of sex and betrayal. He was still hovering over me, breathing whoever she was all over my face—looking uncharacteristically panicked. It was a completely out-of-place emotion, given where he had clearly been moments ago.

As I locked into his molten eyes and perfect fucking lips that were still shouting at me. Another pang of disgust shot through me at his careless handling of our bond. He could not wait until I had left the Estate. The tension between us was now electric as he began comprehending his scent.

Then, a woman's voice broke through the haze. "What's going on, Carter? What happened?"

Our gazes broke apart, our eyes darting to the side. Where Lucy now stood. All five feet 11 inches of stunning leggy she-wolf. She was naked under the white unbuttoned shirt; it was his; his scent was all over it. Her hair was wild and untamed, still managing to look like sex on legs even here. I realized he was in a pair of old track pants, had no shirt, and had scratch marks down his chest. I hated him.

My eyes never left hers; she stared hopelessly at Carter. I realized at that moment Lucy was very much in love with him. I could feel him looking between us, realizing I had put it together. She was all she-wolf: bold, beautiful, and far too comfortable. She stood there semi-naked after a fuck session in front of everyone.

Shifters were everything they said and more. They were conceited, Shameless and undignified—pigs at the trough of their newfound money and position in the supernatural world.

Carter Benson and his atypical girlfriend deserved each other.

Sickness churned in my stomach. The acid taste of vomit filled my mouth. I felt the poison from the Blue Lotus rise up my throat. I forced it back down and whispered calmly so only he could hear, pretending we shared a secret. But in reality, there was no secret between us. There never would be.

"You could not even wait until I had left to fuck your girlfriends. Get the fuck off me and go back to your lover; your breath reeks of her." He recoiled and jumped away from me as if I had harmed him.

I rolled from my back to my hands and knees, unable to control the toxic substance any longer. The air around me was thick with tension. Shouting and frantic movements filled my vision. Tears blurred my sight as the pain in my chest grew stronger, my heart shattering with each beat.

The realization slammed into me like a heavy weight - it was real. Even though I never knew him, the bond between us mourned the loss of an unknown partner. It was a crushing feeling that tore through me—matched only by the agony of the poison violently seeping out of me like a dark liquid.

How could the Goddess have cursed me to this man? This was the end for me. Unlike Shifters, Lycans did not get a second chance at finding a mate. At least, that's what I had always been told. We could hate them, fight them. But outright rejecting them or openly betraying each other was like a knife to the heart. One Shifter seemed to bounce back and move on. We didnt bounce back.

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