A Strange Encounter 30

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As we jumped out of the Truck, the weather was savage. They predicted harsh snowstorms, and the wind was whipping against my face. Despite the unforgiving conditions, I had to get this done. Phillips Estate loomed before us. The mansion was massive and Victorian-style, swallowing up the surrounding landscape.

I had never been here before and couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension. My bad reputation preceded me. I suspected Philip would use it against me after the Cocktail party.

Everyone was out to convince Erika I was a playboy. And this Estate was famous for only one thing—Sex Parties.

Thanks to college drama. A few ill-advised hookups with local Alpha daughters who loved to push boundaries. The rest was gossip spread by people who had nothing better to do. And even if any of it was true, it happened so long ago that I couldn't remember much anyway. Back then, I was drunk and living for the thrill of the moment. But mud stuck, and I had no chance of defending it. All I could do now was push forward.

I should have told Marcus or Erika about Phillip's reputation. He throws wild parties known as "rogue parties." Everyone indulges in their deepest desires, and anything goes.

We didn't bring anyone else. I knew his Estate was not heavily guarded. No reputable Enforcer would work for someone like Phillip Armstrong. He may have had money but no respect. But today, I had to put all this out of my mind and focus on the task.

Though Slay was right, Erika had been reckless. I couldn't help but feel anger towards myself for her lack of support and confidence. I decided to separate her from Greta and Monica. I sent them away with Guy, leaving Erika entirely alone. My mother's words rang in my ears - "selfish" - and I couldn't deny their truth. The whole situation left a bitter aftertaste in my mouth.

As we crossed the driveway, our group scattered. We headed towards the faded, worn stone stairs, with their smoothed edges from years of use. They curved grandly, leading up to a set of large doors.

We caused a stir at the gate and lost twenty minutes waiting before they allowed us inside. We knew we had to make this visit brief and efficient.

I tailed behind Erika as we crossed the gravel driveway; she was dragging the chain. Marcus and Max took the lead. They walked past the parked Rolls Royce. Another ploy to remind visitors of the wealth Phillip was projecting. I caught up to her and asked,

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, but to be clear, I don't trust this guy. He gives me bad vibes. I saw darkness in him that night, and if he tries anything with me now, I won't stand by and be complicit."

"He knows better than to touch you in my presence. He's aware that we are mates."

She stopped and gave me a pointed look. "He and his creepy friends knew we were mates at the party, too. But that didn't stop them from touching me in front of you." She shook her head and continued walking.

I had no retort. It was a harsh reminder of my reality.

The plan today was for Erika to play the part of enamoured mate. I suspected that version may be different from what I was familiar with from a woman who was into me. I doubted it would be submissive and handsy. What it would look like intrigued me. What did Erika look like when she played mates?

We climbed the exterior stairs. The imposing double doors opened, and I couldn't help but be awestruck by the opulent interior. I was immediately drawn to the ornate carvings on the railings leading up to the second floor. The glistening chandeliers hung overhead, and exquisite tapestries and artwork adorned the walls.

Erika seemed particularly taken with the tapestries, her gaze lingering on two. But, my unease overshadowed any appreciation I could have had for this lavish display; it was not my style. Slay's words echoed in my mind, fueling my anxiety.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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