Bonfire Hangover. 10

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Carters POV

Since the bonfire night, every damned day had been a whirlwind. Yet, despite it all, I felt this electric current running through my veins. I associated more with Erika's blood in my veins from the bite than anything else.

Whatever it was. My routine was back on track. I went for a morning run and pumped iron. I sweated out my apprehension in the molten heat of the sauna. Then, I plunged into icy oblivion that snapped me back into reality.

My morning coffee was no longer an unflavoured antidote to lethargy. It tasted like it should: a rocket launcher to the day. I picked up the phone. I didn't need to read it to know what was on it—unfinished texts to shitty people. I knew better than to press send on.

The bullshit anger and attitude I had received would have had me spinning a week ago. Now I was feeling rewired. I had, however, been smart enough to leave pack politics to Guy while I worked through where to go with Erika.

I needed space to clear my head and get a plan. But I had left the pack politics to Guy for too long...

It has now been over eight days since the Cell Fire and three days since Erika came out of her daze. Not that I had been near her. I wasn't ready for that hellfire yet. I had no idea how that was going to roll out. I had hinted at rejection and told her she was not enough, ordinary. The woman could not be ordinary on a bad day.

Then I turned around and marked her. If she were any other woman, I wouldn't worry. I would have claimed her by now in full. But she wasn't. She was Lycan, infamously unyielding and Fae, infamously aloof.

I was fucked.

As soon as my teeth dug in deep, I didn't hold back. A current ran through me, so carnal and exhilarating that I had to fight my wolf to withdraw. He was hungry, starving for more. If it were ancient times, I would have taken her then and there on the fucking forest floor.

He took over that night and marked her as ours, deciding for both of us. Not that I put up much of a fight. Something primal took over. He was ravenous; we both were. Never in my life had I ever picked up a woman in my arms and carried her home if it wasn't to fuck her.

Even then, she could walk herself if we even made it to a bed. Come to think of it, I had never walked anyone anywhere, let alone carry them.

When Guy called me about the fire, I sensed his readiness like a hunter poised for the kill, despite my constant doubts. The wolf wants what it wants.

My wolf wanted Erika, but I doubt she wants us after the incident with Lucy. The pack was already gossiping. Lucy could not keep her mouth shut. And the site was blocked off once they thought a witch had broken through our defence; it was easy enough. Erika's display could be seen for miles, and it was a chaotic scene—all thanks to Leon Monet playing God to us again.

As for Leon, I took another sip of coffee, swallowing my anger. He and I were still working through our differences.

The heavy back door swung open, and Niko and Max strutted in with an air of confidence. It was clear they had stirred up trouble again. In just four days, we had taken control and made our own rules. Our area up on the mountain was now off-limits to anyone else. It was heavenly.

"Where are Aiden and Sam?" I asked as they grabbed coffee and joined me at the breakfast booth.

"They're meeting with Clara to inform her that you have chosen a team of fifteen warriors to join us. Starting today," Niko replied with a mischievous grin. I couldn't help but cringe at the mention of Clara- someone else from my not-so-honourable past.

Niko opened his phone. He was a social media whore, posting videos of himself at the gym. Every female, regardless of creed, followed. He said as he scrolled, no doubt his DMs full.

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