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It had been a clear and warm day when you stepped onto Wangshu Inn's balcony for the first time; when you stepped into his life for the first time.

The sun had hung low in the sky and he knew sunset would be approaching soon. Of course, this had also meant he would get busier soon. The darkness of the night always provided the mortals of Liyue with more threats; provided him with more work to do protecting them. Not that he cared enough to be bothered by it anymore. This was simply his duty as an Adeptus and a Yaksha.

Xiao had sensed you coming before you even set foot on the stairs nearby, and within a second, he'd disappeared onto the roof where he knew you wouldn't immediately notice his presence. The arrival of strangers out of the blue like this always bothered him, and he was aware you had probably been seeking him out specifically if you'd come all the way up here.

Usually, he would have simply left by now in order to avoid yet another pointless interaction with a mortal. But for some reason, this time, something told him to stay.

So he waited and watched you emerged from inside the building and come to lean against the balcony rails so you could view the landscape of Liyue. And the second you did, something made him freeze up.

He was acutely aware of the floating creature at your side but that wasn't what had caught his attention. Though, he couldn't quite put his finger on what exactly had made him this interested. Staying back, he observed you for a few more seconds before it seemed he had finally regained the ability to think; to move.

Unable to pull himself away from your intriguing aura, he found himself appearing at your side, though still with the same stoic expression he always wore.

He had to know more about you; had to look you in the eyes and talk to you and figure out what it was that made you so immediately different from anyone else he'd ever met.

"To the blind, everything may not be as it appears."

And yet, the second you looked over at him and made eye contact, he almost regretted it. The sight of your e/c eyes looking into his sent an overwhelming feeling through him that he didn't recognize. You seemed to notice it too, because you paused for a brief moment as he turned to face you fully.

This feeling, which Xiao would eventually come to understand as a connection, was something he'd never experienced before. Or at least, not in this way. And frankly, it put him on guard.

"A sigil of permission? You came prepared." The words came out more aggressive than he'd intended, but with no way of knowing yet whether you were an enemy or an ally, he couldn't help it. For all he knew, you'd come to harm him or even Liyue, and this feeling he was experiencing was all part of your methods.

"Though this only prevents me from hurting you myself," he clarified when he saw you straighten up, "Doesn't stop you from getting hurt in other ways..."

Only, it was more of an empty threat than anything. By the way you looked at him, he could tell you had no ill intentions, but that didn't explain the way his heart quickened its pace in your presence.

As your conversation continued, he knew he was being overly guarded towards you; especially since you were someone that had acquired a sigil or permission. You remained patient with him even despite his unwarranted anger though, and he even felt a little bad when you brought him both Almond Tofu and a salad after it all.

When he did finally leave to discuss the news of Rex Lapis' death with the other Adepti, it felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

It wasn't that he hadn't enjoyed your presence; quite the opposite, actually. He'd been so intrigued by you that it scared him a little. Why was he feeling this way for someone he assumed to be a mere mortal? He'd never had a connection with anyone else like this before so it made no sense that one had grown out of the blue just now.

𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙧 | Xiao x (Traveler) ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora