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You dove out of the way just in time to avoid being hit by yet another set of black and red blocks, sighing as you finally used your geo power to put up a large rock to defend yourself with. Luckily, it worked even in Irminsul's memory space and the next attack smacked into the back of it as you leaned against the cool stone, trying to catch your breath.

You'd been doing this little dance with the goddess who was currently attacking you for who knew how long now. Though, you were pretty sure she was holding back most of her strength based on the clear lack of wounds on your body. Aside from the ones you already received from your sibling and everyone else, that was. She clearly wasn't really trying to kill you at the moment, and in fact, you weren't even sure whether it was possible for you to die in Irminsul anyway.

"Had enough yet?" The woman called from behind you as she took a seat in the air, crossing her legs as if getting comfortable.

"Hardly!" You shot back. What was she trying to do? Wasn't the entire goal of controlling everyone to kill you anyway? Why hadn't she just done so already?

"How unfortunate." The goddess replied as a line of blocks snaked your way again. They missed though, leaving you to slide down against the rocks you'd created to take a seat on the floor. Your mind was still racing after all the information you'd found out about your sibling earlier. They'd become a part of Teyvat at the end of their journey, and that was how they were currently being controlled by this woman. They'd chosen the abyssal power somehow, not that you even really knew what that meant.

Another attack smacked into the back of the rock and you grunted as the force of it hit your back. Was she trying to drive you out?

Yes, that was exactly it. That was why she seemed to hardly be trying to harm you right now; she was more inconveniencing you in the hope that you would leave and let everyone in the outside world kill you instead. You still didn't know why she couldn't just do so herself though; maybe it was something about this space that prevented death within it?

Or maybe she wasn't as strong as you'd initially thought. Why else would she hide behind everyone else in Teyvat when she could have simply killed you herself back when you first awoke instead?

Even so, you weren't exactly looking to test the theory so instead, you stayed behind the rock wall you'd created for protection.

If she wanted you to leave then you were going to do everything in your power to prevent that from happening, even if it meant spending the rest of time in here. After all, as long as you were in Irminsul, you saw no reason for her to control everyone outside so they should have been able to go back to their normal lives again.

"You're awfully quiet," the goddess spoke up behind you again in an attempt to further her agenda of getting you to leave, "But then again, I suppose that's why little Paimon always had to do the talking instead, isn't it?"

Your heart wrenched at the mention of your floating companion, who had disappeared a few days before without a trace. You knew she was just trying to get to you, but as you glanced back her now, you realized she and the little pixie did share some similarities you hadn't noticed before.

"Ah, I see you're finally noticing it," she smirked as her gold eyes narrowed at you, "Poor Paimon. She didn't deserve to get swept up in all of this, honestly."

"What did you do to her?!" You shouted before you could stop yourself. She was trying to get under your skin; you knew that. And yet, you had to admit that it was working. Paimon had been like a younger sister to you; someone by your side in a time when you would have been alone otherwise.

"Nothing I didn't have a right to do," the goddess replied, "As her creator."

Your throat tightened at that word. Creator.

𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙧 | Xiao x (Traveler) ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora