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Xiao disappeared, and you quickly felt a wave of anxiety wash over you. Why were you so on edge right now? You were in a clinic with a well trained doctor and a good herbalist just in the other room. Not only that, but Liyue Harbor was well protected by the Qixing and if anything did happen you were strong enough to fight off most threats, even in your injured state.

Still, you couldn't help but feel uneasy as Baizhu finally turned away from the shelf he'd been searching and went to grab a clipboard with a paper resting on it. You guessed it was probably some sort of patient record, based on the huge filing room they had at the back of the clinic. You'd been there once before to help organize it with Qiqi, and it had taken the two of you almost the entire day to sort everything out into alphabetical order.

"I suggest you get some rest now, Traveler." Baizhu spoke, still focused on the paper as he began filling out the paper with his back turned to you. "With an Adeptus assisting you like that, you have nothing to worry about." There was something different to his tone, you noticed now. It almost sounded teasing, but there was something underlying that you couldn't place. Malice, maybe? Did Baizhu not like Xiao or something?

"Right." You replied with a sigh as you leaned further back into the pillows. You tried to get yourself to calm down; to rest like everyone had been telling you to, but for some reason you just couldn't relax.

That bad feeling you'd felt before was still lingering, though you couldn't place exactly what was concerning you so much. After a few minutes of laying there silently, you gave up trying to rest and looked back over to Baizhu, who was still filling out the form on his desk.

Only, now you noticed he wasn't actually holding a pen, or anything to write with, for that matter. Instead, it looked like he was merely trying to pretend as if he was doing so.

It was only now that you noticed Changsheng's eyes were on you. The little snake was practically staring you down as Baizhu sat at his desk turned away. Feeling that uneasiness again, you closed your eyes in an attempt to look like you were trying to rest, but by now, it was already too late.

"No need to deceive, Traveler." The white snake spoke, "We already know you are too antssy to resst." You froze, opening your eyes now to see that Baizhu had finally turned around to look at you.

And now you realized why he hadn't been doing so before; his gold eyes now seemed all the more sinister as you noticed the diamond shaped pupils adorning them. Just like your siblings' those pupils had not been present in his eyes before, but they now served to show why you'd felt so on edge before.

How long had they been like that? Surely, you would have noticed sooner if he'd had them the whole time? Not only that, but Changsheng's own pupils had changed to those same diamonds as well, sending a chill down your spine.

Sensing the growing danger you were in, you tired to push yourself to sit up more but your wounds were so painful. It seemed Baizhu had lied about giving you that painkiller earlier, because this felt just as bad as it had when Xiao first came to your rescue back in Sumeru. Gritting your teeth, you watched as the green haired man slowly stood up from his chair and began making his way over to you now.

"It seems we underestimated your intuition," he admitted as Changsheng hissed threateningly, "You were right not to want your little Adeptus friend to leave, but all I had to do was appeal to how much he cared for you, and now I have you right where I want you. Plus, thanks to Qiqi's quick herb-picking skills, he should be having to look for Violetgrass all the way in the Jueyun Karst right now, rather than nearby."

He brought out his catalyst as you attempted to sit up all the way, willing every muscle in your body to move already. But with how weak you felt right now, it was practically impossible.

𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙧 | Xiao x (Traveler) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now