Chapter 3

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Derek's POV:

That scent. It was mouthwatering, unlike anything I had ever smelt before. I looked around quickly, trying to find who or what that tantalizing scent was coming from, but it was gone just as quickly as it had appeared, leaving but a small trace in its place. I followed the scent to a worn-down bookstore, people coming in and out quickly. It came from here and went down the sidewalk. I followed it as far as I could but not far enough. It went to the edge of town before disappearing into the forest.

I jerked when I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to find my beta Andrew beside me.

"What are you doing man?" he asked as he scanned the forest trying to find whatever it was, I was chasing.

"That scent. Did you smell it?" I asked, turning towards him.

"Yeah, I smelt it, but it was gone too quickly to follow. Looks like we have another shifter in town. A pack less shifter." He said with a bit of worry in his voice.

Shifters that didn't belong to a pack were usually no good. We called them rogues. They destroyed anything and everything in their path, killing anyone and everyone that stood in there way. We hadn't spotted any rogues since the attack last year. They disappeared without a trace, destroying an entire pack before they left. We have spent the entire year looking for the Alpha's daughter but with no luck. At this point, we didn't know if she had survived the attack and had given up the search for her.

This shifter in town gave us all chills. If the rogues were coming back, then they had something planned. After disappearing all this time, whatever was going on wasn't good, and we needed to track it down and capture it for interrogation.

"Looks like we are staying close to town." Andrew said as we headed back towards town.

"Yeah, we need to figure out where it's staying and how many more are with it. Depending on how many there are we may need to call in back up." I said as we headed back into town.

We couldn't go around asking questions and stirring up anything. We didn't want the rogue to know we were hanging around or that we knew anything about it being here. For now, we would stay out of sight, wait for it to come back into town and track it back to wherever it was staying. We didn't want to alert the pack until we knew for sure what was going on, there was no need to stir a panic. Not when things were finally getting back to normal again after the last rogue attack.

"I agree, but where do you plan on staying exactly? We didn't plan on staying, we were supposed to be just passing through on our way back to the pack. If we are gone any longer than expected, they will suspect something." Andrew said with furrowed brows.

He had a point. We were already a little behind schedule. Staying away any longer would put the pack on edge and we didn't need that. Not right now.

"Okay, so you go ahead, and I will hang back. Tell them I had some business in town that needed to be dealt with. I will stay in wolf form and stick to the forest, out of sight and wait. Maybe I can pick up on something when I go for a run." It would be easier to track it in wolf form, my senses are more heightened making the scent easier to pick up. Doing it alone would make it easier to sneak up on them, as an alpha I can hide my scent so they wouldn't be able to pick up on me or track me.

"Are you sure Alpha? What if it's a trap and you're ambushed?"

"I'm sure. This is the only way, and I will be careful. Any hint of danger and I will link you. The pack line is about 2 hours from here, it won't take you long to get here with some warriors if need be."

I wasn't worried about it being a trap. I was more than ready to tare into some rogues with my teeth. Make them pay for all that they had done, all the lives they had taken, all the women and children they tortured. I was ready for anything. 

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