Chapter 8

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Bella's POV:

Derek walked in the front door as I put my bag down on the couch. I grabbed everything that I thought I would need, but packed light enough that it wouldn't slow me down. I could carry it in my teeth without any issues.

"I take it you have decided to go with me?" he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes, I think it would be better that way. I'm ready when you are." I said, grabbing my bag and throwing it over my shoulder.

We headed to the door, me following behind him. It was a decent trip back to the pack. In wolf form it didn't take as long but was still tiring. Once there we shifted back into our human form, and I followed him through the gate. All eyes were on me as we walked through the village towards the pack house. Some people were smiling, others had a look of wonder on their faces. I wasn't sure what to make of the wondering faces, but I understood it because I myself didn't understand what I was. Holding my head high, I followed Derek into the pack house, where a young girl around my age came running up to me smiling.

"Hi, I am Jamie. I'm knuckle head here's sister." she said smiling and nodding towards Derek.

He gave her a slight smile before rolling his eyes and walking towards the woman standing at the bottom of the stairs. She looked annoyed but also sad. I watched them as they headed into another room. I shook my head and turned back towards Jamie. My wolf didn't like them going off together, but it was none of my business.

"It's really nice to meet you. I am Bella." I said, giving her a small smile.

"Oh, I know who you are. It's really nice to finally meet you! We have been looking for you forever. If you follow me, I can take you to your room?" she said, grabbing my hand.

"Thank you. So, I guess it's safe to assume that everyone here knows who I am then?" I said, following her upstairs.

"Yeah, like I said we have been looking for you for a long time. Give them time to adjust, everything will be fine." she said, bobbing her head and leading me to the third door on the left.

The house was beautiful. The hallway was lined with doors on both sides. I forgot how big a pack house was. This was bigger than the one we had at home though, much bigger. Walking into my new room I was awe struck. There in the middle was a huge California king bed, with a red and gold bed set. To the right was a door leading to a private bathroom, to the left was a walk-in closet with a giant oak bureau (dresser with a mirror). Off to the side of the bed was a beautiful dark oak vanity with a jewelry box on top. Everything in the room was made of a beautiful dark oak. The walls a deep gray, and carpet made of black shag. It was beautiful.

"Wow, it's amazing. Are you sure this is my room?" I said, turning to her in confusion. This room wasn't made for a simple guest.

"Absolutely, Derek was very specific about where you would be staying. His room is right across the hall. So, if you need anything, don't hesitate to knock." She said flopping down on the bed.

"Won't his uhm, girl friend mind?" I asked as I walked towards her, dropping my bag on the floor and flopping down beside her.

"Nah, she's not his girlfriend. That's Andrew, the Beta's sister. Andrew is also Derek's best friend; they all grew up together." She said laughing.

"Oh, well she definitely didn't look happy about me being here." I said with a shrug.

"That's just her face. She doesn't like anyone, except Derek." She said rolling her eyes.

I felt my wolf growl, not liking the fact that she was alone with Derek. I tried to shake it off, but the longer I sat here the more annoyed it made me. Sitting up, I decided to take my focus off him and wander around my room. The bathroom was huge with a walk-in shower, and a jacuzzi tub big enough to fit six people in it. There was a his and her sink, with feminine toiletries sitting on his side.

Walking out of the bathroom and into the walk-in closet my heart fluttered. The closet was full of clothes. Beautiful gowns of different colors, soft sweaters and warm coats on one side, and nothing but shoes and bags on the other. The shoes are what caught my attention, there was heels of all colors, winter boots in greys, browns and blacks, combat boots all in black, and knee-high boots in tans and blacks. It was like a dream. I didn't carry purses so there was no use in them, but the shoes, all were my size. My face lit up like a Christmas tree, it couldn't be mine.

"Yeah, Derek sent me your sizes and I filled the closet. If you're not a dress girl the dresser is filled with jeans and leggings, tank tops, and long-sleeved shirts. Top drawer is your underwear and lingerie." Jamie said, hanging off the side of the bed.

"But how?" I asked, dumb founded.

"He wanted you to feel welcome. Have everything you could need and more I suppose. I may have gone a little overboard but hey, I love to shop." She said doing a little flip off the bed and landing on her feet.

"Thank you, it's too much though." I said shaking my head.

"No, its just enough. Besides, we wear the same size so I will be stealing some of it." She said with a laugh.

I couldn't help but laugh with her. She definitely went a little more than overboard, but it was all perfect. I wouldn't wear half of it, but still.

"Of course, you can steal whatever you want. You can steal all the purses, I'm not much for carrying a bag." I said with a laugh.

"You don't have to tell me twice; I will carry them all to my room now." She said laughing.

It was nice to have a conversation with someone again. I hadn't really talked to anyone but at the bookstore. I might actually have a friend here. 

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