Chapter 5

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Derek's POV:

I sped through the forest in wolf form, dodging trees and jumping over brush piles before stopping in my tracks as the scent from earlier today filled my nose. I followed the scent to the edge of the forest, where a small cottage sat. Shifting back into human form, I threw on some clothes and watched as a young woman came walking out of the house. Her blonde ponytail swinging as she left the driveway and headed down the road. I couldn't stop myself from following her. She was oblivious to me, caught up in her own little world. I couldn't stop myself from saying hi. Trying to start up some kind of conversation with her. This wasn't part of the plan, I was supposed to watch her, learn about her, see if there was more than just her then snatch her for questioning. But there was something about her, that made my wolf go crazy.

When we parted ways, I followed her. Staying out of sight and behind the tree lines. I followed her back to her house and watched as she shifted. My breath caught in my chest when she shifted into a beautiful solid white wolf. It couldn't be. But it had to be, there was no other wolf known to be solid white but her. After all this time, I had found her. I shifted into my black wolf and followed her into the forest, watching her. Her wolf sensed me, her ears perking as she went into her fighting stance. She was beautiful. Unlike anything I had ever seen. The strength and power flowing off her in waves. She was truly a Alpha's daughter and a very powerful one. I didn't dare move an inch, mesmerized by her beauty, by her strength. She wasn't the rogue I thought I would find, not even close. Instead, she was the former Alpha Jackson's daughter that we had been looking for.

This changed everything. I didn't know how this would go, or how to approach her. She had been here hiding all this time, without a pack. She had been alone. My heart ached for her, at what she must have been feeling all this time. We weren't meant to be alone; we craved a pack and those of us that didn't turned rogue and lost our humanity. She had to of been strong to be able to fight the urge to lose it all. To still be sane and living as normal a life as she was. I was awe struck by her, there was no way that I could have done it. I would've given over to the animal within long ago.

I followed her back to her home and watched her until she went to bed. There was no danger here. I needed to link Andrew and let him know what I had found and come up with a plan on how to go about things.

"Andrew." I sent through the link.

"Alpha is everything okay?" he asked urgently.

"Yes, everything is fine. It's not what we thought. It's her Andrew. We found her."

"Alpha Jackson's daughter?" he said in disbelief.

"I know, it sounds crazy but its her. I watched her shift. I've been tracking her all day. Its her."

"So, what are you waiting for? Bring her to the pack."

I shook my head; he didn't understand the situation. It wasn't that simple; I couldn't just take her and make her come with me. No, I needed to talk with her, explain what was going on, who I was.

"I need more time. Tell the pack, I will return as soon as I can." With that I cut the link and bunkered down for the night. Tomorrow I would talk to her, try my best to explain who I was without scaring her away. It wouldn't be safe for her here, if I found her the rogues would too. She was what they wanted when they attacked her pack. They wouldn't stop until they had her. I'll be damned if I let that happen. I promised her family I would protect her, and I was going to keep that promise. No matter what. 

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