19: Meri Meerab

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Murtasim was admitted to the hospital for 4 days and all the time Meerab stayed with him and refused to go back to the mansion. One day she went to freshen up and sleep comfortably which didn't go well with Haya as she considered Meerab the reason for Murtasim's accident and kept on taunting her. As she entered their room, Haya told her that Murtasim would leave her soon which angered her but she couldn't fight as Ma Begum came and asked about Murtasim. She felt bad when nobody here asked about her.

She understands that Murtasim is more injured but she was also with him. Nobody even asked if she had dinner as they all looked busy in their work. That's when she remembered Murtasim who always asked about her and took care of her even in his sickness. She realized that he was different from all his family members. He is kind, supportive caring, and honest, unlike others. They trusted Haya more and even tried stopping her from going back but Meerab didn't hear anything and went back after a while taking her and his clothes with her. After that, they managed everything in the hospital. Today he came back with her but Meerab didn't meet anyone and directly went to their room waiting for him.

"Finally I am here. I was feeling suffocated in the hospital ", he said entering their room with the help of Haya which angered Meerab but still she waited for Haya to go back and when she left, Meerab closed the door angrily. She is feeling insecure now what if Haya succeeds in her dirty motives? What if she snatched Murtasim from her?

"I am feeling irritated to be here", Meerab said angrily and sat on the couch where Murtasim sat on the bed. When he heard her irritated voice, he burst into laughter as he remembered how she was amended not to go back and now she is struck with him at least for a month.

"You are laughing ", Meerab asked angrily walking in front of him to scare him and shut his mouth but got lost in his eyes which were shining after long 5 days. She loves watching him happy and carefree and wants to keep staring at his face while he is laughing his heart out

"What else should I do? ", he asked while laughing which irritated her and she pinched his other hand which wasn't injured angrily.

"Ahh, it hurts", he moaned in pain holding his arm

"It should. Murtasim Khan, I hate coming here. Without you, they treat me as trash. Tumhare kareeb rehna bhi azhab bna dia tha. They don't like me and trust Haya more and you are making fun of me", she said angrily stating facts that shocked him. He held her hand and gestured for her to sit beside him. Meerab sat beside him feeling his love for her. He might call her childish but she also needs attention love and care. She was pampered by her parents and here nobody even hugged her papering is very far from her expectations.

"I trust you. What else do you want? And what h...", he was about to ask what happened when Meerab interrupted him in the middle

"That I will see when the time comes but warn your family members. At least they can respect me. Or is it too much to ask?", she asked

"Ok understood. They will respect you. Tell me what happened when I was admitted?", he asked softly. Meerab closed her eyes and remembered all the taunts and misbehavior that she faced in the hospital and here as well. Not to forget how today Haya came with Murtasim teasing her which didn't go well with Meerab as nobody has the right to touch him. What her's is just her's. Nobody has the right to snatch Murtasim from her.

"Puch lo apni Haya se. You came with here hana and romance with her", Meerab said sarcastically and expected him to reply lovingly but when he replied with an "OK", her anger rose and she got up removing her hand from his hold. He added fuel to her insecurities. She felt that she was going to play a lost battle because, at the end of the day, Haya would snatch him. Here she doesn't even confess but Haya's confession will someday make him fall for her. It's better to leave him before she gets attached to him. Yes, she should leave before she falls for him.

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