Vacation at the Beach

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Hello! This chapter was inspired by the one and only (and the one is not me) Katisawriter2! I have nothing more to say here, so enjoy the chapter!

They've been flying for three days straight. One day, the left early morning with a small bag for their stuff and a big bag holding five dozen cookies for the family.

Kolluth couldn't wait to see Seashell again, and he would understand if Poisonwing couldn't wait to see Gill. Seashell had mentioned having a brother named Reed, but Hyacinth was a girly girl, so she probably wouldn't enjoy having him. But she had so much more to do. She was caring her own bag and a large bag of cookies, a bag with all of her to-do assignments and duties.

Plus, she had two scavengers on her back, one who acted as if this was completely normal and one who was completely terrified. Everytime he looked down, he would instantly faint, and the other one would keep shaking him to wake him up.

Hyacinth seemed so tired, especially her talons, which were starting to get whiter and whiter with pain.

"Here," Kolluth said, swerving toward her. She looked at him with wary eyes and frowned. "Give the scavengers to me."
"Midair?" Hyacinth raised a brow. "Are you serious?"
He shrugged. "If we glide slow enough, our wings will touch and they can walk over to me."

She looked at him skeptical, but flew lover than him until most of the tip of her wings was under him. The scavengers looked at one another, but Hyacinth told them the deal and they listened. The female one chose to stay, so the male one was up to him. As soon as he stood up, he wobbled and sat back down. But, this didn't stop him. He stepped onto the purple wings of his sister and walked carefully. He trembled as soon as he got to Kolluth's wings, and when he stepped on, Kolluth was amazed on how strong Hyacinth was.

He stared at her with amazement as the scavenger sat down between his ridges.
"Dang, Hyacinth," he muttered. "This guy's heavy and you're carrying him like it's no big deal."
"I've had them the whole school year, dingbat," she grumbled at him and then flew higher. "Of course I'd be strong."
Kolluth rolled his eyes and smiled.


"Welcome, guys!" Riptide smiled. The light blue Seawing had met them in the air. "Follow me to the house."

The family wasted no time doing so, all of them feeling tired, Hyacinth most since she was carrying the most baggage.

They glided down to the hut, air whipping at his face. The scavenger on his back yelped and held tighter onto his spikes while the scavenger on Hyacinth's back raised her little paws to the air and closed her eyes.

Then, they hit sand. Kolluth looked around him and smiled. Gill was waiting there and was running toward Poisonwing, who was doing the same thing. Hyacinth let down her scavenger on her back and gave her a bag to carry.
"We bring cookies, if you'd like some," she announced.

"Thank you," Riptide said, flicking his tail toward the hut. "Seashell is in there waiting for you guys."
"What about Tsunami?" Glory asked eagerly. "Is she alright?"
"She's healing nicely. A doctor from the Deep Palace came her on Queen Anemone's order to heal her."
Glory nodded and her scales turned a baby blue and pink when she turned to her two children who were still by her side.
"Go have fun," Glory said. Hyacinth opened her mouth to protest. "Give me your homework. I'll finish it."

Hyacinth raised a brow but didn't waste time to give the bag to her. She raised into the air with the bag of cookies and flew toward the hut. Kolluth followed her, the other scavenger walking with the male one.

As they flee through the air and flew over Poisonwing and Gill, he saw a familiar torquise dragon and a green dragon. Was this the dragonet Seashell said was her little brother?

"Kolluth!" She shouted and raised into the sir at her too speed, which was so fast because in five seconds she was already collided with him. They fell out of the sky and kolluth spread out his wings to catch them. She kissed him quickly, which made all of his scales go oink and completely forget about saving them. "Spread your wings or die from falling high!" Suddenly, he twisted and held Seashell beneath him and spread his wings to break their fall. He did, but the ended up making a canyon behind them.

"Seashell," he breathed. "Are you alright?"
A muffled "yes" answered him and something wet touched his stomach and speared all over him. He yelled and got up. Seashell was underneath him, her tongue out.
"Ew," he muttered. "You're nasty."
"You taste good," she said back, smiling. He blushed and turned away, trying hard not to act like a child in front of his family and hers.
"Let's go," she said, getting up and bouncing toward the water. "Let's swim! Gill, get Poisonwing and let's swim!"

Kolluth ran after her, the other boys behind her. She jumped in the water, and he jumped after her with no hesitation.

Water surrounded him on all sides and fish immediately seam away from the splash. He paddled up to the surface and gasped.
"It's amazing, right?" Seashell asked, coming up in front of him.
"Yeah," he answered and looked around. "Where's Hyacinth?"
"Right here," she said above them and he looked up. The same two scavengers were sitting on her back, looking down anxiously. "I can't swim with you guys because that green Seawing keeps wanting to eat Dove and Total and I'm not going to let that happen." Her tail started to creep into red, and her front talons were crossed.
"That's Reed for you," Gill smiled.
"Reed!" Hyacinth gasped. "That's sounds like a Mudwing name but matches perfectly for his scales." She grumbled and flew over to small island three massive wingspands away.

The group laughed and ducked under the water again. They seam and played through the water, having mini races between the brothers.

After twenty minutes, they came out of the ocean smiling and laughing.
"How was your little swim?" Hyacinth asked with papers spread on a rock and her scavengers organizing them. "Enjoying your time?"
"I thought Mother asked you to give her the homework," Kolluth answered. "Lemme guess. You took some of it."
"Boy, please," she said, rolling her eyes. "She gave it to me because she figured that I have nothing better to do." She paused and looked around. "And that Reed dragonet wouldn't leave me alone. He convinced I have a crush on him because I keep looking away whenever he looks at me."
"That's because you do," said a small, slithery voice behind her. She groaned. "You love me don't you, Heterozygous."
"IT'S HYACINTH!" She shouted at him, and he flapped backwards, laughing and obviously scared. "I SWEAR if that CREATURE comes toward me ONE MORE TIME HE AIN'T GONNA SEE THE SUN TOMORROW."

"It can't be that serious," Poisonwing smiled.
"Well, you obviously don't have some crazy Seawing watching and studying your every move."

Seashell laughed and jumped on top if Kolluth, who didn't bother flinch because of her weight.
"Let's go to the hut," Gill suggested. "Mother makes great food. Toasty or raw fish. An assortment of all sea animals. Even octopus, and only rich dragons like us eat it." His blue tail twitched and Poisonwing copied him.

"Sure," Hyacinth said, bit looking up from her scrolls. The female one, he guessed was Dove was teaching the male one, Tytan, how to properly sort them out. "I'll be out here until dinner. I left the cookies in the kitchen. I have stuff to do."
"Bet," the younger boys said and bounded off to the hut.

Kolluth carried Seashell toward it too, their wings brushing against each other and dragging on the ground. Suddenly, Seashell hopped off and stood in front of him. She booked her nose to his and smiled, kissing him. He kissed her back and quickly pulled away.
"Wanna come to my room?" She asked, her eyebrows arching in a flirty way.

He smiled back, completely missing her smirk. "Sure. How bad can it be?"

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: FanfictionOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara