Chapter 11

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I unlocked the door with my key and pushed it open, using my feet. Balancing the paper bags of groceries with one arm, I used my free hand to close the door behind me.

Tomorrow is the weekend, and I've already bought enough food to last us through those days. Mostly just snacks and stuff that we can microwave.

Amy can't cook for shit, and I don't usually have any spare time to cook anything either. So, microwaved food is it.

After I started to unload the things that I'd bought, I heard the keys jingle from outside, and then the door opened.

I craned my neck to the side and saw Amy walking in. She smiled before walking to the couch and dumping her bag and books there.

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously while shrugging her jacket off.

"I bought some snacks for the weekend. I figured we could stay in and do movie night or something."

"Ah, crap. I totally forgot to tell you something." She said with a sigh, and I turned around and frowned.

"Forgot to tell me what?"

"You shouldn't have done any shopping since we're going to spend the weekend with my parents."

"We are?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah." She confirmed while casting her jacket aside. "We don't have any school on Monday, so we're going to spend the weekend at Idyllwild. My parents had already booked an Airbnb there. I already asked, and they said I could bring any friends but just one."

I braced my arm on the counter and hesitantly looked at her.

"Why are you just telling me this now?"

She shrugged. "Like I said, I forgot to tell you."

I released a sigh. "I don't think it would be a great idea, Ames. I mean, didn't your parents organize this trip for you to spend some family time together?"

She chuckled while rolling her eyes.

"They're divorced, Kaia; this is no family time. It's just an excuse that both their lawyers had suggested for them to keep reminding my brother and me that no matter how long they've been separated, they're still part of our lives."

An important question immediately popped into my mind, and I awkwardly turned back around to finish unpacking the shopping bag.

"Will Adrian be there too?"

A small pause.

"No, he's got a game tomorrow night, so he's not coming."

A breath of relief immediately escaped me. A weekend getaway to the mountains would do me some good, and it's a good thing her brother won't be there to ruin the moment for me.

I can't stand to look at his face right now after what he did to me.

"It's got a lake and everything," Amy said while staring down at her phone. "You in?"

I leaned my back against the counter, and after contemplating it for a moment, I gave in and nodded my head.

"Great!" Amy exclaimed with excitement. "Start packing; my parents are coming to get us at five o'clock."

My eyes immediately rounded in shock as I followed her to her room.

"Wait, we're leaving tonight?"

"Yeah," she replied while ripping open the doors to her closet.

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