Chapter 16

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"That was a good hike, huh?" Nate asked while stepping outside the house to join Amy and me on the backyard patio.

He passed us a bottle of beer each, and I accepted mine with a little hesitance. But then I remembered that today had turned out to be a great day because we all went hiking together just to check out the mountain views.

Everyone had managed to get back to the Airbnb in one piece, and we were all exhausted as fuck. So, I could use a little drink.

Nate sat down next to Amy, who immediately smiled at him. I bit off the cap of the bottle and took a small sip while eyeing them with a smile.

I don't know what happened between them after they went off hiking alone, but something has changed.

I'll drill the details out of her later, but right now, I need to absorb all the relaxation I can get.

We had just finished dinner a bit early today. The sun was just starting to set, casting a warm golden glow all around us, which was nice and peaceful.

I closed my eyes and leaned back on my seat to relax into the moment.

"Yo, Amir just texted me." Adrian suddenly announced from the back, his voice immediately popping into the peaceful bubble I had just delved into.

"Said someone is throwing a party in the dormitory tonight, and everyone is going to be there." He continued while sinking into the chair next to Nate and Amy.

I slowly opened my eyes and tilted my head in their direction. My interest suddenly peaked at what he just said.

"Did they get a pass from the RA?" Nate asked, and Adrian shook his head while still staring at his phone.

"Nah, I don't think so. Amir said the invite was sent through a private group chat, and someone had spread the news around, and now everyone knows."

He sighed while running his hand through his hair before his eyes suddenly snapped up to mine. I quickly looked away and took another sip from my drink.

"Fucking idiots. Who said anyone could throw a party when I'm not there?" He muttered irritatedly.

I almost scoffed but then quickly realized that doing so would only end up with us fighting, and right now, I do not want to deal with him.

A phone started ringing out of nowhere, and I looked back and found out it was coming from his phone. He looked down, and a smile suddenly lit up his whole face.

"Gotta take this. Evelyn is calling." He said directly to Nate before getting up and walking back inside the house.


"Who's Evelyn?" Amy voiced my thought out loud, and we both looked towards Nate.

"Some girl goes to Serenity State University. He's been crushing on her ever since they met during one of our games last season." Nate replied.

Well. I guess I was wrong about Mr. Star hockey player being a playboy at all. Or did I speak too soon?

"Is she a ten?" Amy asked him again, and Nate slowly nodded.

"Yeah, I guess. She's really pretty. I can show you her Instagram if you want."

Amy clapped her hands a little too enthusiastically, and Nate chuckled while pulling out his phone.

After a minute of staring into the screen, Amy suddenly gasped before looking at me.

"She's way hotter than him. Look!" She grabbed Nate's arm and turned the phone toward me.

There was a picture of a beautiful girl on the screen. It was a clear selfie, with her long, dark hair framing her face, and the sunlight in the room she was in reflected her dark green eyes.

She was a ten, for sure.

"Wow," I replied coolly, and Amy turned the phone back to her and scoffed.

"There's no way he could ever get someone like that. My brother looks like ape shit compared to her beauty."

"Alright, alright." Nate cuts in while turning off his phone and shaking his head in amusement towards her.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Adrian shouted while storming out of the house.

My face fell as I watched him head straight towards me.

"This is your fucking fault! Do you realize what you have done?"

I stood up from my seat and frowned in confusion. Amy and Nate were also standing up in the background.

"Adrian, what's going on?" Nate asked cautiously.

"The video that was taken from the library where she was saying that I had STDs? Callum Morris got a hold of it and showed it to Evelyn." He answered him without taking his eyes off me.

"What's the big deal, anyway? It's not like she'll believe it." Amy said, and Adrian whipped around and glared at her.

"She's not the one I'm fucking worried about. Callum Morris is!" He yelled before glancing back at me.

Why was he overreacting like this? And why is he worried about this Callum Morris dude? What is he even going to do to him anyway?

"This is exactly the type of bullshit I do not want that asshole getting to know about. Do you now realize the consequences of your actions?"

He asked while turning to face me again.

"If that fucker even opens his mouth during any of our games to say something about that shit, I will personally make sure to make the rest of your college life a living hell after I'm done with him. Do you understand me?" He growled angrily.

I fisted my hands and swallowed the tight knot forming in my throat.

He was pissed, and I could see that, but I guess the only thing that added more to his rage was the fact that that Callum guy had seen the video too.


"Stay the fuck out of this, Amy." He snapped with a sharp tone. "This doesn't concern you."

He looked at me again and took a step back while glaring at me. I unclenched my fists and looked down at the floor.

"I'm sorry." I finally forced out. My heart ached as the last bit of my dignity flowed out of the words too.

He chuckled humorlessly. "You're sorry? Do you think your apology counts and will change anything? Will it help to take back everything you just said?"

His eyes darkened, and his jaw tightened.

"No, I don't fucking think so. Unless you make a fucking apology video, then I'll get even with making amends."

My heart dropped after hearing his words. He narrowed his eyes before walking away.

"Dammit!" He yelled while pushing a chair over along the way.

I slowly sat down in my seat and turned to the other side while ignoring Nate and Amy's eyes on me.

I hate to admit it, but Adrian was right. This was my fault, and I shouldn't have said a lie like that in front of everybody that day.

This has gone too far now.

I was never the type to hold grudges against someone for too long. Being here had almost succeeded in making me forget the reason why I hated Adrian so much. There were no longer any negative feelings for him inside me.

But that doesn't mean I have forgiven him yet. What he did waspetty, and it still cost me my grades.

But what I said about him was way worse than that. It could really affect a person's mentality when people started thinking or talking about you the wrong way, and I understood how angry he was with me right now.

So, even if he won't do anything to earn my apology, I will be the bigger person to make amends first and put everything behind us.

That is what I will do from now on.

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