Chapter 27

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"Um, didn't you have a class today?" Amy asked from the doorway of my bedroom.
I pulled the blanket closer and hid myself underneath the covers.
"I fell sick." 
"As in morning sickness?" She asked, disbelief laced in her tone.
"Not like that. I'm just...not feeling well." 
She hovered by the doorway for another minute before sighing out loud.
"Okay, I'll see you later I guess. I'm going shopping. I'm just waiting for Adrian to get here because he's lending me his car keys." 
The mere mention of his name got me frozen in bed. Plus, now that Amy had mentioned that he was coming here, I almost had a heart attack.
It hasn't even been 24 hours since he kissed me in the elevator, and now we're going to be seeing each other again?
I'm going to stay in this bed until he's gone. I am closer to being traumatized to deal with the awkwardness right now. 
"Do you really have to?" I heard Amy say to someone in the living room.
He's. Here
I sat up straight to listen a little more, hoping to hear the door close to give me the sign that he had left.
"I'm staying till you bring my car back without a scratch on sight." His voice resonated through the walls, making my heart drop to my stomach.
Please don't tell me he's going to stay here...
"Alright, suit yourself. Just don't touch anything, and don't bother Kaia because she's not feeling well." 
I heard him laugh from the living room, and it triggered my annoyance. The fucker was clearly enjoying this.
I heard the door close and then silence from the other side. That means Amy was gone, and he was still there. 
I was about to go back to sleep when I suddenly realized that my bedroom door was still open. Amy never closed it again when she walked out.
I slowly moved out of bed and tiptoed towards the door to close it before he could see me. But luck was not on my side today, because right when I reached for the doorknob, he leaned against the doorway, making me jump in surprise.
"You seem pretty normal for someone who's not feeling well today." He mocked while raking his eyes all over me.
I roughly grabbed the doorknob and glared at him.
"I am not in the mood for this." 
"For what?" He taunted while smiling.
"Dealing with your presence. Wasting my breath by talking to you. Enduring the pain of you disrupting my peace." 
He chuckled lowly while raising his brows.
"Disturbing your sleep would've been a lot simpler to say." 
I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from the doorway so I could close the door.
"Are you not feeling well just because I kissed you?" The question suddenly put me on hold.
My hand automatically released the doorknob, and he slowly pushed the door back while leaning on the doorway again and facing me with a serious look on his face.
"You crossed the line by doing that." 
He laughed sarcastically at me.
"Relax, it's not that deep." He responded before the smile quickly dropped from his face. "But it worked anyway, because you immediately shut up the minute it was over. You were giving me a headache by talking too much." 
His words were like a slap on the face, and something painful twisted inside my chest.
"Well, congratulations for being a dick by letting me know all that." 
I started to close the door, but he pushed it back and stopped me.
"Whoa, whoa, were you expecting a different reaction? Did you think something was going to change between us just because I kissed you?" 
He burst out laughing, and I suddenly felt the strong urge to slap his face. He was clearly making fun of me, and I hated that.
I hate that he caught me with my guard down and made me think that the reason he did that was because he liked me or something.
Granted, I was attracted to him before we got to know each other, but I stopped when I realized how much of an asshole he truly is. 
But that kiss had reminded me of that feeling again, and I fell for it like an idiot.
I pushed past him at the doorway and headed towards the bathroom to take a shower. If he was going to keep standing there, then I might as well be somewhere else just to avoid him.
I locked the bathroom door behind me, and a shaky sigh escaped from my lips. I hated that he affected me so much, as if the things he said weren't enough already.
He got me feeling confused about my feelings within a day, and that's what infuriates me so much because his intentions weren't genuine and everything was like a game to him.
I shouldn't have fallen for his tricks, but I do hate myself more because that's exactly what I did, and I was hoping for something to change in return. 
God, I feel so pathetic.


I stayed a little longer in the shower than I had intended to. My thoughts were all over the place, and my heart wouldn't stop beating so fast.
But it gave me enough time to regain my composure and build my walls back up. He was going to be here for a while, and I'm prepared to deal with it no matter how much he pisses me off.
Wrapping a towel around my body, I finally walked out of the bathroom and padded across the floor, heading towards my bedroom.
He was sitting on the couch in the living room, his eyes glued to his phone. I ignored him and kept walking.
Right before I stepped into my room, my phone started ringing. I had left it charging in the kitchenette, and I swore under my breath before retracing my steps to get my phone.
I could feel him staring at me as I walked past in my towel and wet hair just to answer the phone. A smile immediately spread across my face when I saw Callum's name on the screen.
"Hey. I was just thinking about you." I immediately said to him after answering the call.
"Oh yeah?" 
"Yeah. How've you been?" I asked while leaning my arms on the counter, with flirting mode fully activated.
"Better, now that I've heard your voice." I chuckled under my breath before shooting a glance towards Adrian.
He was still on his face, a blank mask over his face, looking unbothered, but I knew he was low-key eavesdropping on my conversation.
"Are you back in town? I was thinking we could hang out and catch up, you know." 
"Same." He responded, and I could hear the smile in his tone. "But I've got a better idea."
"Yeah, what's that?" I asked curiously while grabbing the apple from the fruit bowl on the countertop.
"There's this great hockey game tomorrow night, and I want you to come with me to watch. It's going to be fun, I promise." 
Oookay. Not what I was expecting, but fine, that'll do.
"Sure, I'd love to." 
"Cool. It's a date, by the way." He answered with a little enthusiasm in his tone, making me smile.
"I know. Text me the time, and I'll meet you there."
"Six thirty PM, and no, I'll come pick you up. Sounds good?" 
I carefully placed the apple back in the bowl and leaned off the counter.
"Yeah, perfect. See you tomorrow, bye." I ended the call while smiling to myself.
But I immediately stopped when I caught Adrian glaring at me from across the room. I scoffed and started walking back towards my bedroom.
"Not only do you not know how to mind your own business, you sure like eavesdropping on people's conversations too. Get a real hobby, Adrian." 
He twisted around in his seat, ready to say something, but I slammed the door loudly before he could do so.
That actually feels good.

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