Bonus 4

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It had been 2 days since Pablo had gone to Estelas school.
The morning after he had found out what was happening, he had questioned Estela to tell him everything that has happened and what were those girls names.
He told her that he told Melissa and she got beyond mad at him but got over it once he told her that she wouldn't be going back until everything is fixed.

But now. 2 days later, Pablo and Melissa sat in the principal's office, waiting for the parents of the 3 girls.
Melissa sat there awkwardly, while Pablo sucked on a sucker that the principal offered them.
Melissa smiles awkwardly at the Mr. Garcia, the principal, as they make eye contact.
Melissa was worried but Pablo wasn't, let's just say, those girls have done enough for both the school and parents sued if anything goes wrong today. He wasn't doing it for the money, in fact, if it got to that point, he was planning on donating it.

"Hello." The two parents look back and watches as 6 older adults walk into the room.
The two younger adults greet them, hoping to start off on the right foot. Regardless of one of the mom's already death glaring them.
Based on what the younger couple can tell, these parents all looked like they were close.

"Thank you all for you know, we're here to discuss the concerns, Mrs. and Mr. Páez are having, regarding, Monica, Luna and Catalina bullying Estela." The principal starts but gets cut off by one of the mothers, the blonde headed one.
"Like I said over the phone, Señor, my daughter probably had her reasons. I raised her to defend herself, not bully."
Pablo's and Melissa raise an eyebrow at her words.
"Calma, Señora Ruiz." Mr. Garcia laughs awkwardly.
"No..I agree. My Luna is not a mean girl. Their daughter probably did something to them and now she can't handle it back." Melissa rolls her eyes at the curly headed dad, whose wife had glared at her as soon as she walked into the room.
"My daughter did nothing to your daughter, I can assure you that. All she did was try and be friends with them and they decided to pick on her instead." Melissa argues.

"Mrs. Páez, Mr. Ricomà, let's just go through everything that I was informed of first please—I wouldn't be surprised if their daughter did start something first, I mean...look at them? No way such young parents are able to raised a child properly." That one set Pablo off as he glared at the lady, who he is guessing what Mrs. Lanzo.

"Fortunate to say that these young parents are raising their child better than you guys..are you just mad that you have wrinkles and we don't? " He say before popping his sucker back into his mouth.
Melissa covers her mouth and she lets out a quiet laugh.

"That's not how you talk to a women, kid." Mr. Lanzo says at Pablo.
"Who are you calling a kid? I'm 25 and have a better salary than all you combined."

The man rolls his eyes. "I'm 41, you're practically a kid."

"All I'm hearing is that you guys are old." Melissa comments.
Pablo giggles. "Your kids are proving that millennials don't know how to raise children."

"Okayyy..." Mr Garcia cuts off.
"Let's bring in Luna, Monica and Catalina."


"What do you mean that there isn't enough proof?" Pablo says angrily at the principals words.

Mr. Garcia opens his mouth to say something but gets cut off my Mr. Ruiz.
"He's saying your daughter is making this bullshit up. Sad isn't it? Fame can't get you everything?" He taunts.

Melissa was fuming in her seat but was taking deep breaths trying to hold back all the nasty remarks she had to make.
"My daughter isn't lying!" Melissa hands shoots up as Pablo stood sup from his seat and tries to get closer to the older man.

"What did you think you could get everything just cause you're famous?" Mr. Ruiz says getting closer.
Mr. Garcia quickly steps in between them and pushes them back to their seats.

"Can't you look at the camera?" Melissa asks, wrapping her arms around Pablo's bicep as he sat frustrated in his seat.
"I have don't have access to them— well then get access:" Melissa cuts him off.

"Estela should get expelled for accusing our daughters of such." Mrs. Ricomà says.

"Shut the fuck up. Your voice is so annoying. Just like everyone else in this god damn room. You find a way to look at the video footage. I don't care if I have to pay you to get someone here. Just find a way." Melissa snaps.

"Who do you think you're talking to like that?" Mr. Ricomá asks In a rough tone.

"All of you, obviously. Oh, my bad I forgot you guys are old. You guys can't hear."

"Señor Páez— don't Señor Páez me, my daughter is getting bullied by their daughters and you aren't doing anything about it? What happened to a bullying free zone and we care for the kids safety? Cause clearly you don't." Pablo stands up from the seat and gently grips onto Melissa hand.
"Vámonos." He says pulling her up and walking to the door before turning around and looking at the older adults.

"All 7 of you, expect a letter from my lawyer. Cause this isn't done. You think your kids can't get away with threatening to kill my daughter?" The young dads says angrily.
"And you and this piece of shit school  too. Nobody deserves to come to a school where they obviously are cared about."
"Maybe beside their kids." He mumbles

Pablo opens the door to walk out, pulling Melissa ahead of him.
Mr. Lanzo stands up and quickly grips Melissa by the arm and tries to pull her back but only to receive a very harsh and strong shove from the from Pablo.
"Touch her again and you're getting more then just a shove ." Pablo growls at him before walking out and slamming the door behind him.

Making it the the car, Pablo punches the wheel in frustration.
"Son of a bitch!" He shouts, leaning back into the seat and rubbing his face.

"I don't think I've ever witnessed something as dumb at this. What the actual fuck was that!" Melissa shouts.


Melissa walks into the house happily holding out the check to Pablo.
Pablo laughs as he grabs the check and looks at the $4,000,000, written onto it. Needless to say, they won, they all got sued.

"Let's buy Estela something, then take this money to get donate." Melissa says.
Pablo nods in agreement.
like he said. He doesn't need the money and This wasn't for the money.
It was simply to get justice.

A/n: I don't think anyone respectfully, responsible adults would talk like this to someone but idc lmaooooo
Kinda bad.
Maybe I'll come back soon for a random bonus but for now this is goodbye on this story.
Thank you so much for all the love <3333
Kisses xoxo

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