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"Did you have fun with Gyuvin?"


Ricky scoffed when he looked at Tae Rae's confused expression. "Don't act like you know nothing. Gyuvin already told me everything. Really? Someone broke into my place? That's the best you could come up with?"

"Gyuvin?" Tae Rae muttered.

"You spent your heat with him. Yes. You can stop pretending now. You really scare me Tae Rae.
You waited for an opportunity where I wouldn't be in the picture. Right after I told you I'd give him a chance, you dived right in." He said smirking.

Tae Rae blinked his eyes as he tried to understand.
"It was Gyuvin?...Gyuvin..was the alpha?"

Ricky got fed up with Tae Rae's feigned confusion and stood up upset. "Yes. Since your ears don't work anymore. It was Gyuvin...It all makes sense now.
You said you liked someone I knew..wah"
Ricky said shaking his head.

"So it was Gyuvin all along? That means your support towards us being together was under pretense? You and Gyuvin really are something"

Tae Rae shook his head and stood up.
"I..I swear I didn't know it was him Ricky. Why would I do such knowing he's the one. Believe me Ricky, I've never lied to you, you know this. I'm saying the truth. I can't afford to lose our friendship"

Ricky ruffled his hair and scoffed as he looked at
Tae Rae in disbelief. "I don't even know why I'm still listening to you. Look...If it's Gyuvin you want, you can have him. I don't have anything to do with that scum."

"Are you hearing yourself Ricky? Why the hell would I even want that Ricky. I mean, I'm sorry for doing what I couldn't control and remember."

Ricky kept quiet as he looked at Tae Rae.
"It's a shame to say but...you've proven those Alpha jerks right. You omegas really are low"

Tae Rae's face fell and his heart shattered at Ricky's words. He never imagined that a day would come where Ricky would say such poisonous words.

He was dumbfounded. The shock was just immense. Why couldn't Ricky put himself in his shoes? Why can't he understand that he didn't even consent to what happened neither could he remember what happened? Tae Rae questioned himself.

"Just...Just consider our friendship over. I don't want any negative energy in my life. You have broken my trust and you've scarred me."

"Yah..You don't mean what you just said right?"
Tae Rae asked as he felt his eyes brim with tears.
He reached for Ricky's arm but Ricky pushed him away.

"Don't touch me. You disgust me!" Ricky yelled through his teeth as he pointed at Tae Rae in anger and hurt. He looked away when he saw Tae Rae crying as he looked at him.

"You really want to end our friendship?...Are..Are you sure t-this is what you want Ricky?"
Tae Rae asked and wiped his tears.

"Leave Tae Rae, before I say more words that'll hurt us both" Ricky said, not giving Tae Rae an eye.

Tae Rae bit his lip, holding in his tears. He looked at Ricky for sometime before nodding.

"Okay. You have chosen to bat an eye at my side of the story. You have disregarded me as your best friend but...it's fine. If ending our friendship is what you want...If that's what makes you feel better then fine." Tae Rae muttered and wiped his tears.

He held his pinky finger as he rolled out their friendship ring. He hesitated before he placed it on the table.

"...Besides, all I've done in our friendship is give up everything for your happiness" Tae Rae muttered to himself as he walked to the door.

"Don't skip your meals" He said and closed the door as he walked out. Ricky turned and looked at
Tae Rae's friendship ring that was on the table.

"You're the wrong one...why are you making me the guilty one" He muttered.


"I-I just fucking miscarried!" Zhanghao blurted out.

He felt everything freeze. Miscarried...? As in... loosing a baby? It started to make sense, the blood
-the fact there was too much blood, the sharp pain he felt...that means...

"I am- I was pregnant but- the doctor said- uh, stress, and- too much physical strain and, injuries-"


"It was all because of me-fuck-It-it was because of me. I- I hurt him, I hurt our- no, I fucking killed our child because I couldn't kept my head on straight! Fuck!" Zhanghao yelled as he gripped his hair tight.

His mind was going haywire, guilt crawling up his neck, it's fingers starting to wrap around his neck gingerly.

He had to leave. He couldn't breath right now.
Not when he- not when his child was dead"
"I miscarried. I should have not fought back-"

Matthew quick held Zhanghao's shoulders, shaking him. "H-Hyung snap out of it–


Matthew's eyes widened as his head fell in the direction of Zhanghao's slap. "Y-You! You killed my child!" He yelled as he held Matthew's shirt.

Ji Woong and Yeonjun quick held him down to the bed but he still gripped on Matthew's shirt.
"I'll kill you Hanbin..You fucking killed my child!"
He yelled at Matthew crying.

Matthew rubbed his cheek and sighed.
"Hyung..it's me Matthew not Hanbin" Matthew softly said, trying to calm Zhanghao down.

"I'll kill you!!..You- You..You deserve to die Hanbin! I didn't even get to meet my baby! I-..I can't ever meet my baby" He said as his voice slowly pitched down. His head fell down.

"I..I can't ever meet my baby..ever" He kept muttering.

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