1. Amy

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"Trust me, it's not me. I didn't do this." I pleaded him. But, he ignored my plead and continue to hit me. Tears continue to fell from my eyes. After hours of assaulting and abusing me, he left me. I can hear the sound of car engine fading away. I lie on the bed, looking at the wedding picture. We both had huge, bright smiles on our face. It was most beautiful day of my life. I thought, my life will change after marrying him, it did though. I thought, marrying the person, you love is blessed dream. But, for me it turned to be a horrible nightmare. The person, I loved for last 2 years, married him, devoted my life to him, turns out, I am nobody to him. 

I am Amy Anthony Brent. I am a designer. My husband, Anthony Brent, is the leading industrialist in the country. We were happy in her marriage, the first year of our marriage was blissful. The problem started, during the second year of our marriage, he avoided and ignored me completely, as if I never existed in his life. I thought he was busy in his work, maybe its difficult for him to juggle professional and private matter. I thought, giving him time and space is best. everything will go back to normal, if I give him space and time. Every married couple goes through it. It's not a big deal. 

But, what I thought has small problem, turned out to be the biggest problem in my life. It ruined my life. On the day of our first anniversary, Anthony brought her, along with him to our home. She is Anthony's best friend, Page Morgan. She is the bug that destroyed my relation and my life. At first, I happily helped her with her stuff. But, when things started to go out of control, I told Anthony about it. He, instead of taking my side, scolded me for being inconsiderate. He even warned me to be good to her and take care of her, as she is weak than other girls. To please my husband, I did that to. I took care of her. I cooked for her, washed her dresses, did all her chorus. 

But as time pass, she started to treat me as her maid. At first, I ignored, but later on I couldn't handle her behavior towards me. It was because of her, that Anthony slapped me. After that, it became daily routine. She used to bully me, if I told Anthony about it, he started to hit me. I was feed up. I gave my everything to that person, but he didn't value my efforts at all. From last one year, I am going through it. I want to breakfree from this. One day, I told Anthony, I want to divorce. He got so angry, that he hit me and forced me. After that night, I lost the little respect and love I had for him. I want to break this relation. 

The next day, he didn't came home. It was usual though, after misbehaving with me, he don't come to home. I got up from, took a shower and covered the marks by wearing long sheeves shirts. I came downstairs, the housekeeper has already prepared lunch. I quietly ate the lunch. 

The door bell ring, the housekeeper opens the door. She comes back with Page behind her. Page looks at me and gives me a sinister smile. I ignored her. She comes and sit on the opposite sofa. "Sorry to come unexpectedly." 

I ignored her. I continue to look my phone, ignoring her existence completely, as if it doesn't matter that she is sitting right in front of me.

"Come on, Amy. I am here to talk to you, but, you are ignoring me." She says kindly. I hate her guts. She has the manner to show herself in front of me after ruining my married life. "Okay, let's talk. I want you to divorce Anthony." She talks as if she is queen of some big kingdom. "I want you to give up your position of Mrs. Anthony Brent." She says coldly.

I let out a laugh. "If you want to be Mrs. Anthony Brent, be my guest." I say and goes to my room. I am annoyed by her. I hate her to my core. I call my best friend, Darcy, hoping she would console me. Her phone was ringing, but she was not picking up. I was about to disconnect the call, but the call got connected. I could hear some sound, after listening it carefully, it was the sound of two people kissing each other. I was about to disconnect it, when I heard Darcy talking "So, did you got the money?" 

"Yes, babe. I got money from her." I heard a male voice. The voice sound very familiar.

"How naive of her." Darcy laughs. "She sold her jewelry to get the money for you. What a kind sister she is." 

"She don't know about it. I told her that mom is sick and she need urgent treatment." The male voice says. I recognize the voice. It's my brother's voice. "She is so naive, that she didn't know that she is our bank from where we can get money. At not just me but mom and dad also. She is our money cow." Aaron says and laugh. Darcy also laughs. "Plus, she didn't know that she is adopted."

Hearing this, I felt the ground beneath my feet has disappeared. I felt betrayed. The people I care about are the one who betrayed me. I can't believe my brother, my family and my best friend can hurt me this badly. What does he mean by 'adopted'? Am I not his sister?

"'Adopted?' Amy is adopted?" Darcy questions.

"Yes, she is adopted. I also came to know about this 2 days ago when I heard my mom talking to my dad, how they raise such her to be filial and how they will use her to get money." He says and kiss her again. The sound of kissing continues to come from the phone.

But I couldn't hear anything, my whole world has been shaken. I can't believe I fell in their trap. I felt as if my whole life was meaningless. I felt numb. 

"Watch out!" Someone shouted and pulled me. 

At that moment, I got conscious. I don't even realize that I am not in my room. I am outside. I didn't know this place, where am I? I was so numb and unconscious that I came out without wearing my shoes. I don't know this place. Where am I? 

"Hey, are you okay?" The person who pulled me, asks.

"I don't know...." Before I could complete it, I passed out.

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