5. Amy

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After leaving the lawyer's office. I went to the shop where I work. It's jewelry shop. I greeted Ron, the manager of the shop. He said nothing, just looked at me and nod his head. I stood behind the counters of the shop. No customer came. I took out my sketch book and started to design. I completed the design of the jewelry set, the necklace, earring, ring and bracelet. I completing and I drew other one. A customer enters the shop. A lady in her fifties. 

"Good morning, how can I help you?" I greeted her politely. 

"I am looking for a pair of earring." She replies.

"For what occasion." 

"I want to gift it to my daughter. She has recently completed her graduation. I want to give her a pair of earrings as reward for her hard work and dedication." She says with pride.

"As your daughter has just completed her graduation, I think these small earrings will look good on her." I say and show her small earrings and studs. She takes her time and look at each earring. After 20 minutes or so, she decide on a pair of small green stone earring. "Please wrap it beautifully." She goes to the cash counter, were she pays the bill. I bring the wrapped earring box and give it to her. "Thank you. Visit again." I say with smile.

It's evening, by the time we call off the day. I went to my parent's house, they called me afternoon, telling me to join them for dinner. At first, I didn't wanted to, but, if I want to know about my real family, I should ask them or get some clue out of them. I rang the doorbell, Aaron opened the door, seeing me his facial expression changed to guilty. Does he know I heard his conversation, he had with Darcy? They shouldn't know about the divorce. Behave normally. They shouldn't find out about anything. Act normal.

"Hi." I smiled at him.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" He says, moving side to let me enter the house.

"Mom called and invited me for dinner." I answered his question. I went to living room. Dad was sitting on the sofa, watching TV, where as, Mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner. I greeted them. "You came." Mom says sounding cheerful. "Wait, for 5 to 10 minutes, dinner will be ready." She says from kitchen.

"Do you need help?" I asks her while entering the kitchen.

"Everything is done. Just arranging the table is remaining." Mom says.

"I will do it." I say and start to arrange the table.

The dinner was served, we ate quietly. After dinner, I helped mom to wash dishes. Dad calls me in his room. 

"How are you?" He asks me, when I enter the room.

"I am fine. How are you? How's your health?" 

"I am totally fine." He says, there was silence for few minutes. Neither of us talked, we look at each other, but didn't say a word. "How is Anthony?"

"He is fine."

"Ah...... I have a favor I want to ask from you. Is it okay?" 

"It's okay. Please tell me."

"I need some money."

I should have expected this, he always talk to me when it's regarding the money. I calmly replied, "Dad, I don't  have enough money right now. I gave money to Aaron 2  days ago. Plus, Anthony is also not giving me enough money."

'You gave Aaron money?" He asks with shock

"Yes, he told that you were sick, and it's for your medical bill. So, I gave him. Plus, the shop where I am working is also going in losses. I can't even ask for loan."

"It's okay. You must tried why don't you go back to your room and rest." He says, pretending to be calm. Anyone can tell from his look that he was getting angry.

"Okay." I say and went back to my room. I lie on the bed. I need to find the evidence against them. I think she can help me. I text her, 'Buy spy cameras for me.' 

I heard sounds coming from dad's room. I quietly stood near the door to eavesdrop their conversation.

"Did you ask money from her?" Dad asks angrily.

"How did you..... Yes." Aaron says.

"That doesn't matter. How much did you ask?" 


"For what?" 

"To buy the land at southern east part."

"Is it in your name?" Dad asks.

"Yes." Aaron says with low voice.

"Okay. Don't let her know, that we have been buying properties from her money." Dad warns him.

"I know that." Aaron says.

"How is business going on?" Dad inquires about business.

"It's going well. After Page and Anthony joined us, we have made thrice the profit." Arpit says.

"Don't let others know about it. We have got an consignment coming with the cars. Make sure everything goes well." Dad says.

"Okay. Don't worry about it. The thing you should worry about is how to convince Darcy to join us?"

"It's easy to convince her. Like how I forced Anthony to marry Amy. The same way I can put pressure on her to join us." Dad says slyly.

"What do you have against her?" Aaron asks. 

"I have something against her which you don't have to know. All you have to do is don't let anyone know about our other business." Dad warn him.

"Fine. I should go back." Aaron says leaving the room. Without looking, he went towards his room.

I hide under the table, as soon as I heard footsteps coming towards door. Thank goodness, Aaron did not saw me. Otherwise, I would have been in big trouble for eavesdropping their conversation. Slowly, without making any sound, I went back to my room. Their conversation was fishy. Most important thing, he bought land from my money. And, other business? What other business they have beside car dealing. And that Page and Anthony are part of. The way they were talking, it's definitely illegal. And, forcing Anthony to marry me. He have something against Anthony. What is it? 

I always thought that my life is simple. But now, it has gone complicated.

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