Elena & Liam Part 2

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Liam's POV:

I walked into Jake's house to be greeted with a beautiful girl. Elena. She was about 5'8, she was wearing grey low waisted sweatpants and a white tank top. She had beautiful, long, curly, brown hair that I could imagine being soft to the touch. She had dark brown doe eyes and soft pink lips.

I always admired her beauty, I tried to get her attention today but she just walked away quickly and covered herself in the crowd. Sometimes I forget Jake is Elena's brother, they are twins - I know, but they are so different. Jake is annoying and doesn't shut up, Elena is quiet and peaceful. No one would suspect me to like a girl like her but I can't help it.

"Whats good?" I ask, trying to keep my cool. What was that? What's good? What was I thinking? I put my bag down and clear my throat.

"He's upstairs," Elena says quietly as she drinks her glass of water and places it on the counter.

"What?" I ask confused then I snap out of my trance, "oh, you mean Jake." I expect her to talk back but she doesn't speak and doesn't even keep eye contact.

"Got it.." I mumble as I pick my bag back up and go upstairs to Jake. Before I walk into Jake's room, I peek into Elena's room to see what i'm getting into. Her room smelt like vanilla and was a heated temperature. She had fluffy blankets on her bed, a few candles lit and a reading lamp on, making the room look a warm tone.

"W-What are you doing?" Elena muttered confused from behind me. I immediately turned to look at her and saw how red her face was.

"Sorry, I thought that was Jake's room," I lied, brushing a hand through my hair nervously as I took a step back. She motioned her hand towards Jake's room down the end of the hall.

"Thank you.." I said with a soft tone, getting lost in her pretty eyes and unintendedly move my eyes towards her lips. I quickly clear my throat and walk to Jake's room, feeling her gaze on me as I walk. What was happening? Usually i'm great with talking to women, I have just never felt this way for a girl. Maybe it was her good vibe, or her quietness.. maybe it was how she is so smart or because of how she always smells like vanilla and is warm to the touch. Whatever it is, I need more of it. I walked into Jake's room.

"Hey bro! Ready for the sleepover? If it's alright I invited Tyler," Jake says with a welcoming smile.

"That's fi- wait, Tyler? Where is he going to sleep?" I asked confused, Tyler was one of my best friends, I wasn't going to make him sleep on the floor.

"In the bed? With me?" Jake says bewildered by my stupidness.

"Well, what about me?" I said annoyed, pointing out the obvious.

"Well I figured you could sleep in Elena's room. You know, considering you're whipped for her," Jake laughed mockingly but stopped when I shoved him over.

"Are you serious? She doesn't laugh at my jokes, she doesn't smile at me, she doesn't even talk to me! You see how she ignored me today? It's gonna be so awkward!" I said angrily, trying to keep a low tone.

"Yo, calm down. Just go in there when she is asleep. She won't care," Jake said with a annoyed expression.

"I- Just-," I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "You know what, whatever. Lets wait until Tyler gets here and we can play Fifa."

"That's the spirit. Now sit your ass down," Jake said with a laugh.

word count: 629

~romantic-short-stories~ 🌻Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora