Chapter Three. Stephanie and her lost puppies

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OMG!! Forty views in two chapters, thank you for taking your time in reading this (especially the people who wrote in the comments and messaged me...) I love you all, seriously. 

Emily's POV:

 "As if she'd have a chance." 

 I turned to see the smirking face of Stephanie Ryans. 

 Stephanie was the 'hottest' girl in school. The majority of the boys had a crush on her. All the girls wanted to be friends with her. She had her own squad, that would probably cut their own hand off if she asked them to. 

 In my opinion, Stephanie was nowhere near pretty. Everything about her was fake, from her face, which was full of make up, to even her eyes, which turned out to be some kind of green contact lens (I'd actually seen her putting them on in the girls bathroom). I knew that behind the layers of lip gloss, mascara and blushes, was a pathetic, weak girl. 

 But unfortunately, knowing that made it harder to suppress my angry feelings when she ridiculed everything about me; my clothes, my hairstyle, my looks, my friends, even my financial state. 

 Usually, Stephanie didn't care about most of the girls at our school. Wendy and I weren't one of them. I don't know what we did to make her hate us, but ever since we were freshman students, she had seriously made our lives miserable. 

 Like now. 

 "What are you doing here?" I asked, not even trying to hide the venom in my voice. 

 Stephanie laughed. I noticed three of her friends behind her. They followed her like lost puppies. 

 Why was our school full of pathetic losers? 

 "I was just going to class," Stephanie said innocently, "when I heard your friend considering asking my friend out-"

 "Which is none of your business-" I said the same time Wendy said, "Jason's not your friend-"

 "I wanted to tell her not to waste her time. After all, we don't want her heartbroken," Stephanie finished sweetly. She frowned, as if Wendy getting heartbroken would be very unpleasant to her. Yeah, as if. 

 "Stephanie, can't you go and talk to someone else?" Wendy scoffed, but she was still blushing, "I'm sure your so-called friends would be so happy when you go to them."

 Stephanie ignored the sarcasm, "Oh, yes, they will. In fact, Terrence just invited me to his birthday party. It's something you two will never experience, right? Too bad."

 "Didn't Terrence turn you down yesterday?" I shot back, "Well, I guess you really are his friend. Nothing more."

 For a second, Stephanie and her three friends froze. 

 Stephanie looked shocked, "H-How did you know?"

 "You know, asking someone out in a school library isn't really private," I said nonchalantly, trying to suppress a triumphant grin spreading on my face. 

 I had heard them the other day, in the corner of the library that was usually deserted, even for a library. It was my favorite place in the whole school, since no one could bother me there. 


 I had been reading 'Pride and Prejudice' for the upteenth time, when I heard footsteps in the Classics Section, which had just been a few feet away from me.

 I was curious, as no one usually came to this corner, and as a result, I sneaked near there, trying to see who it was. 

 When I took a peak from the corner of the shelf, I couldn't believe my eyes. 

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