Chapter Nine. That Jittery Feeling

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AIEEEEEE Sorry for the late update, I had my midterm exams and had to study:((

I promise I'll update regularly from now on, enjoy Chapter Nine! 


 What's the word for excitement and anxiety? 

 I googled the question and started scrolling down madly. 

 I didn't get it. I just couldn't. Out of the billion English words that existed in this world, there wasn't a single one that defined what I was feeling at the moment. 

 Ahh, there was one. Frisson. But somehow, the word didn't sound right. 

 "What did I say about doing your phone when eating?" Mom, who thankfully didn't have yoga today, demanded as she handed me a french toast. 

 "I wasn't eating," I pointed out, which made me earn one of her death glares. I shut my mouth and started cutting my toast. 

 Mom turned her attention to Alissa, who was only half-awake, "Alissa, wake up!" 

 Alissa jumped at her words, "I wasn't sleeping!" 

 "Yeah, you were just meditating," I couldn't help but murmur sarcastically. 

 "Oh, shut up." 

 Mom sighed deeply, "You know, one of these days I'm going to go insane because of you kids. Of course, not you Andy," she added the last part hastily as Andy gave her sad puppy dog eyes. 

 "We love you too, mom," Alissa piped up. 

 Mom rolled her eyes as she went to make Andy's toast. 

 As soon as she went, I picked up my phone again. 

 Strenuous wasn't it. So was flustered, because it made me feel like some girl in a rom-com movie. 

 Jittery. It did suit my feelings right now, at least better than the other words I'd found. I hummed in satisfaction. I was feeling jittery. 

 Terrence Kingsley had told me that he'd pick me up today at eight-twenty. After he does that, we'll go to school together as a couple. We'd let the whole school know, and if everything goes well, Stephanie and her friends won't bother me until February, in which I'll be moving to another state. 

 Was it extremely childish and overly dramatic? Yes. Was it the best, and possibly only way to stop Stephanie from bothering me? Yes. 

 I know, my life was seriously fucked up. 

 I looked at the clock, which read eight-ten. I still had ten minutes, which was a new record for me. Having nothing else to do but eat my toast, I turned my attention to my siblings. 

 "Gimme the jam," Alissa was saying to Andy, who was sitting right next to the strawberry jam. 

 "You have to say 'please'," he shot back. 

 Alissa rolled her eyes, "I'm not in the mood, Andrew. Just give me the jam."

 Andy frowned as he reluctantly handed it to her. 

 "Asshole," he said loudly, which made everyone in the room freeze. 

 "WHAT DID HE SAY?" Mom hollered from the other side of the kitchen, "ANDY, WHO TOLD YOU THAT WORD?" 

 Andy's innocent, big eyes turned to me, and he opened his mouth. 

 And that was when I decided that it was probably time for me to brush my teeth. 

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