2. Avoid Harrington

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AN: Okay, so a more specific timeline occurs between S01 Ep 3 and Ep 4 when they found Will. Stiles found out because he heard it on his father's spare police radio. Let's say Steve and Jonathan fought because of the creepy photos Jon took.

November 23rd, 1983
5:49 AM

Stilinski House, Hawkins, Indiana

Stiles was smoking on the back porch, looking into the forest. He could have sworn he saw a faint outline of a black wolf. He only noticed this because the wolf had red glowing eyes, but this was just another figment of his imagination.

Noah poked his head out when the door opened and made eye contact with Stiles. "Not even gonna hide it, huh?" Noah asked as Stiles took another puff of his cigarette. Noah stepped outside with the carton, holding his for Stiles to light.

"Do you want to talk about-"

"About me sucking Steve's cock? Do you want to talk about it?" Stiles asked, and Noah blushed, looking away.

"I meant about the nightmare..." Noah muttered. "My whiskey bottle is half-empty, and I just bought it two days ago.

"It's just the same fucking thing..." Stiles said, and Noah knew it was getting to him, or something else was.

"Stiles, I know you have temptations, but you are a special boy. Boys like Steve don't deserve you." Noah tried to say it without saying it out loud.

"You don't know anything about me,"

"Kid... I changed your diapers when you were a little boy. It wasn't exactly normal," Noah said. It was true. Even then, he didn't look like other three-year-old boys. "I know I wasn't buying you tampons to give your friend, okay?" At the time, Noah didn't want to embarrass his son even more than he already was, so he let it go.

"I don't want to talk about this, Dad," Stiles said, as this would be a tricky thing for anyone different, for anyone that was intersex.

"What do you think you would do with Steve last night?" Noah asked, and Stiles muttered that it wouldn't go any further. Noah grabbed Stiles by the face and pulled him to look at him, "I know the type of boy Steve is. He would have told half of Hawkins by now if anything happened."

"He wouldn't do that..."

"Is it something you want to risk? Doing something like that means something to you, and you must trust them. Do you trust Steve?" Noah asked. Stiles looked down at his feet, and they heard an alarm. Noah sat down his carton of cigarettes and radio before kissing Stiles on the forehead.

"Just... you guys were pretty fucked up last night, I am surprised you're not dead from your headache..." Noah got up to take the casserole out of the oven, "I can't tell you what to do... but I think you will figure it out," He said, and Stiles nodded.

Steve was an idiot, or at least that's what he lets on. Stiles believes that if Steve remembered anything from last night, he could pass it off as imagining things while drunk.

"W...s a. I... a... Will," Stiles heard over the radio, but it was in and out. Stiles was curious because his father was on the case of the disappearance. He was also close to the case because he was friends with Jonathan. Even though he wasn't biologically connected to Noah, he still had Stilinski sleuthing skills.

"What do we do with Eleven?" Stiles could make out who was talking. It was still a little staticky, but that was only because he was right on the range to pick up the channel. It was one of Will's friends, Dustin, with the lisp.

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