The Journey

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Ever since I had gotten my kefta I got stares from everyone even more than before. It was black with red and grey embroidery, I stared it it for hours when Genya first brought it to my room. Nobody ever wore the Darklings color except for him, so receiving something black was his way of claiming something, he essentially was calming me. That same night I received the kefta I went to Aleksander's room and asked him about it.
"Do you not like it dearest?" He asked looking at me.
"No, no, I love it but black is your color," I said to him.
He nodded with a look of understanding but then he took a few steps closer to me. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife.
"The color ensures that everyone knows you are under my protection and to hurt you is a direct strike on me."
"Aleksander why do you care for me so much, I am only a healer." I asked looking up at him.
He didn't speak for a moment before leaning down and whispering in my ear, "Because you're mine Aurora."
Then he kissed me

Ever since that night the general kept me closer than before, I never noticed the glares he sent to Ivan or Fedyor when they touched me. Or the conversations he had with those who spoke about me.
"Aurora, have you finished packing for the trip with the general and Zoya?" Genya asked folding one of my dresses into the case.
I nodded at her as Zoya finished braiding my hair. We were going on a trip to the first army camp, a new skiff had been made and Aleksander wanted to see it. And he figured since Zoya was going too I could go but I think he had an ulterior motive. They already had the carriage prepared and they were just waiting on a few other people including me and Zoya. Genya put the final piece of clothing into the bag before putting it by the door for the guards to take. She came over as I got up from the vanity. Zoya stepped over so Genya could come through, the girls didn't love each other put for my sake they got along. Genya held my face in her hands, "Be safe dearest." She turned to Zoya, "And Zoya please keep her safe."
Zoya nodded and then told us that we had to go or we would be late. I gave Genya one final hug before me and Zoya walked out the door to the carriage. I found Aleksander waiting for me by the carriage.
"Thank you for bringing her Zoya, your unit is up front, Aurora you ride with me." He said opening the door for me.
Zoya looked disappointed she wouldn't be with me but at the end of the day he was still her general so she agreed. He held his hand out for me to take, I did and he helped me into the carriage. The journey would take a day or two depending on how fast we moved, so with that we set off on our journey.
I decided to sleep for majority of the ride but the times I did wake up I sat my Aleksander and he would show me the things he could do with his magic.
"Dear wake up we're here," he said gently shaking me awake.
I awoke with a grumble wishing I could have slept longer mumbling out things which made him laugh. He helped me out and then I noticed his guards behind us following us as we walked to the tent they had set up for him. I noticed the tents for the grisha were far nicer than the first armies which I thought was unfair, they did as much work as the grisha.
"Zoya has to finish an assignment before we leave so for now it is just you and me," he said opening the tent flap for me.
The tent was grand, it looked like one of the rooms in the little palace. Although everthing was black with gold accents. I was still tired so I decided to take a nap.
"Aleks Im I sleeping in a different tent for the trip?"
"Aleks?" He asked smiling at me.
I looked away embarrassed as he smirked at me. "No dear we are sharing the bed is back there." He said pointing to the back of the tent.
I quickly walked away and went to the back of the tent and layed down. So I closed my eyes and let sleep overcome me.

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